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Wits Donald Gordon

Wits Donald Gordon, Wits University Donald Gordon Medical Centre (WDGMC) was established in 2002 in response to what the Faculty of Health Sciences perceived as a gap in the training of Sub-Specialists in South Africa. Dedicated funding for sub-specialists was not available in the public sector at that time, which would have led to a situation where the faculty would not be able to continue producing sub-specialists, thereby having a negative impact on the delivery of health care for all South Africans. The faculty was also concerned about the ability of the public sector to invest in new technology and remain competitive with international standards, which would impact on the training of doctors at all levels.


In 2002, the University responded to this crisis by acquiring the Kenridge Hospital in Parktown, Johannesburg, to be the site of the first (and only) Private Academic Hospital in the country. This was made possible as the result of a generous donation from Sir Donald Gordon.

The establishment of this facility allowed the University to extend sub-specialist training into the private sector to complement the existing Public Sector training programme, and increase the resources available to the Faculty for the training of Specialists and Sub-specialists.

It also created a site for public sector doctors to do their private work in a controlled and regulated environment and draw doctors from the private sector back into the Academic sector to make a positive contribution to the training of medical specialists and sub-specialists.


The vision of the WDGMC is both to train and retain highly skilled medical experts in South Africa, whilst also providing highly specialised patient treatment and care.

The WDGMC offers a superior training programme for specialist and sub-specialist training right here in South Africa; and through its innovative multidisciplinary approach, it seeks to establish models of care that can be replicated at a training and service level throughout the country.



WDGMC prides itself in providing world-class medical academic training in South Africa.

The Centre, through its multidisciplinary approach to patient care, aims to provide patients with specialist care in South Africa that is cost effective and appropriate to the patient’s requirements. Through the hospital’s numerous highly specialised units, patients are treated by highly skilled Doctors who are experienced and qualified in their respective fields.

WDGMC is the only private teaching hospital in South Africa, established to train and retain medical professionals in South Africa for South Africa.

Contact Us

We are delighted to introduce you to WDGMC, the first and only private teaching hospital training specialists and sub-specialists in South Africa, for South Africa.

Contact Details

  •  (011) 356-6000
  •  (011) 482-7651
  •  GPS: Lat/26° 10′ 45.66”S Long/28° 2′ 2.79”E
  •  Email Us

Physical Address

  •  21 Eton Road
  •  Parktown
  •  Johannesburg, 2193

Postal Address

  •  P.O. Box 2072
  •  Houghton
  •  2041

Important Telephone Numbers

  • Hospital Telephone Number011 356 6000
  • Hospital Fax011 482 7651
  • Accounts Department Email OR 011 356 6322
  • Pharmacy Email OR 011 356 6132
  • ICU011 356 6162
  • Transplant Unit011 356 6488
  • Hospital Management011 356 6302

Hospital Wards

  • Section A (Paeds)011 356 6115/6
  • Section B (Hepato renal)011 356 6530
  • Section C (General)011 356 6123
  • Section J (Surgical)011 356 6041
  • Section E (Medical)011 356 6119
  • Section F (Adult Oncology)011 356 6127