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UWC Faculty Of Arts

UWC Faculty Of Arts, The Arts Faculty is well-known nationally and internationally. It offers high-quality education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in a variety of fields, and has a substantial research profile. UWC Arts graduates are equipped with the skills of critical thinking, effective communication, and social responsiveness, and they have the ability to interact well in contexts of social diversity.


Our graduates have successful careers in the fields of media, journalism, education, marketing, public relations, publishing, editing, advertising, development work, information technology, library and archival work, translation, religious ministry, writing and consultancy.  

The first year of undergraduate study for an Arts degree offers a broad grounding in at least four subjects, improving students’ general knowledge and developing important thinking, communication, study and information technology skills. In the second and third year of the BA and BTh there is greater focus on the specific subjects which make up the majors of the degrees. The BBibl is a four-year programme, incorporating large parts of the BA curriculum. The courses of study in all subjects offer training which is of internationarl standard, but which remains engaged with the specifics of our society. The combination of broad critical skills and knowledge with particular subject training is in high demand within the job market. Our undergraduate degrees also offer an excellent foundation for further study.


After the Bachelor’s degree, Arts offers an exciting range of postgraduate options at Honours, Masters and Doctoral levels. The Humanities Research Centre (HRC) co-ordinates important interdisciplinary research and postgraduate work, and there are substantial research collections, amongst others, at the UWC-Robben Island Mayibuye Archive and the HRC. There are rich possibilities for field-work on the Dynamics of Building a Better Society project, and also in the neighbouring communities. The Faculty is one of the leading producers of research at UWC, is home to many internationally-recognised researchers, and has partnerships with universities and institutions elsewhere in Africa and further afield.

We invite you to study in one of the most dynamic faculties in South Africa.   

Contact Us 
Faculty Office
Tel +27 (0)21 959 2152
Fax +27 (0)21 959 3636 E-mail  [email protected]
Post-graduate: [email protected]
Physical Address: Room L29Old Arts Building Robert Sobukwe Road Bellville
South Africa Dean’s Office 
Tel +27 (0)21 959 2335
Fax     +27 (0)21 959 3636E-mail [email protected]
Physical Address: Room L160 Old Arts Building Robert Sobukwe Road Bellville South Africa