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UCT Open Day 2019

UCT Open Day 2019

UCT Open Day 2019,
UCT hosts open days aimed at high school students in Grades 10, 11 and 12, their families, teachers and guidance counsellors.
This event presents an ideal opportunity to explore the vast range of study options that UCT showcases on this day. Open days give you the chance to find out exactly what certain fields of study entail.
The opportunity to speak to someone face-to-face about the different academic programmes and what they involve is absolutely vital to making the best study choices.
All faculties and departments take part in this event, and activities include:

  • displays by all faculties and their respective departments
  • lectures by academic members of staff from the various faculties
  • information about financial assistance
  • personal interaction with current students and academics
  • library tours and exposure to some of the facilities on campus
  • a look at sports facilities available to students.

The university also organises a number of days when interested students can visit specific faculties or departments.


UCT Open Day 2019 Saturday, 4 May 2019

Details of Open Days are sent to schools and are posted on the UCT website.
The Student Recruitment Office also offers the following services to prospective students:

  • school talks to Grade 11 and 12 learners
  • Grade 9 subject-choice talks
  • campus tours
  • career evenings
  • career exhibitions
  • assistance with the application procedure
  • provision of application forms
  • UCT evenings for prospective students and parents
  • discussions with student recruitment officers about options available at UCT.