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CPUT In Cape Town

CPUT In Cape Town

CPUT In Cape Town, The Cape Peninsula University of Technology was established on 1 January 2005, when the Cape Technikon and Peninsula Technikon merged. This merger was part of a national transformation process that transformed the higher education landscape in South Africa.
Today, this institution is the only university of technology in the Western Cape and is the largest university in the region, boasting more than 30 000 students, several campuses and service points and more than 70 programmes.
However, the institution has humble beginnings in the Cape Technikon and Peninsula Technikon, which dates back to the early 1900’s.


The Cape Technikon

The Cape Technikon has its roots in the Cape Technical College, which was established in Longmarket Street in 1920. The establishment of the college followed more than ten years of petitioning by the community for the consolidation of technical courses that had been offered in various venues in Cape Town.
In the late 1960’s this institution had its status changed to a College for Advanced Technical Education and was renamed the Cape College for Advanced Technical Education. However, a decade later, the Technikons Act was promulgated and in 1976 the institution become known as the Cape Technikon and was allowed to offer degree programmes.
During the apartheid era, all educational institutions were forced to serve a specific race group. The institution offered courses for white students; however, in 1987 the makeup of the student population changed after the institution applied for and was granted permission to have the Government’s regulation lifted on the quota for black students.
The 1990’s would usher in a new era for the Cape Technikon. This institution launched its new organisational structure, which featured six faculties, a new corporate identity as well as a new vision and mission statement. In 2001 the Boland and Mowbray Education Colleges were incorporated into the Cape Technikon, forming the Faculty of Education at sites in Wellington and Mowbray.

The Peninsula Technikon

In 1962 the Peninsula Technical College was established to cater for the steady growth in the number of coloured apprentices in a variety of trades. Classes were conducted in Cape Town until the relocation to a site in Bellville in 1967, which today is the administrative campus of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.
In the 1970’s the institution had its status changed to a College of Advanced Technical Education and was rebranded as the Peninsula Colleges for Advanced Technical Education. However, this name and status change was short-lived and in 1979 the college was legally established as the Peninsula Technikon.
Primarily offering education to coloured people during the apartheid era, the institution opened its doors to all races in 1987. The 1990’s also ushered in more changes for the institution, which was empowered to offer degree programmes. The year 1997 saw the restructuring of the institution’s academic programmes into the faculties of Engineering, Business and Science.

The merger

During March 2001, the Minister of Education, Kader Asmal, announced the National Plan on Higher Education. This plan saw the merger of various higher education institutions across South Africa and the formation of Universities of Technology.
After lengthy processes, which involved the setting up of merger task teams and a renaming process, the Minister in 2003 approved the name, Cape Peninsula University of Technology.
In 2005, Cape Peninsula University of Technology was officially launched and on 1 February 2006, Prof Lineo Vuyisa Mazwi-Tanga was appointed as the first Vice-chancellor of the institution.
In May 2008 Dr Trevor Manuel was elected as the first Chancellor of the University.

Vision and Mission


To be at the heart of technology education and innovation in Africa.


The four aims that comprise our mission:

  • We will build a university that is highly efficient, sustainable and environmentally conscious
  • We will be known for the high quality of our teaching and learning and the relevance of our curriculum
  • We will create a vibrant and well resourced living and learning environment for our students
  • We will enhance and develop the quality and effectiveness of our research and knowledge production

Core Values

  • We undertake to deal with others in a spirit of Ubuntu
  • All our interactions will be governed by a spirit of mutual respect
  • We support the principle of equity
  • We will promote innovation in all aspects of our work
  • We will uphold the principle of accountability for our actions
  • We prize excellence
  • We will strive for efficiency in all our operations



DrCNhlapo 200Profile of Dr Chris Nhlapo

Dr Chris Nhlapo graduated with a BSc degree majoring in Chemistry and Mathematics. He is a qualified Physical Science teacher and has completed both Honours and Master degrees in Chemistry. His MSc thesis was entitled: Thermo-Analytical Investigation of Cross-linking of Saturated and Unsaturated Long-Chain Hydrocarbons. His PhD which was completed at then Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education (CHE) was in catalysis, with the dissertation entitled: Catalytic System for Stereospecific Polymerization of Alkynes.
He has undertaken numerous post-doctoral training sessions including Emulsion Polymerization technique and Research Management and Technology Transfer. He has trained, supervised and lectured a number of students at Universities of the Free State, Potchefstroom for CHE and University of the North. He occupied a number of senior positions at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and science councils. He is a fellow of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and worked within Commission IV.1 the Macromolecular Division (MMD). While in this commission he contributed immensely in IUPAC Projects and in the Journal Pure and Applied Chemistry (JPAC). He was the Head of Chemistry at the University of the North and the Free State before joining the National Research Foundation (NRF) in management capacity.
At the NRF he contributed in building research capacity particularly at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) by identifying strategic partnerships both locally and internationally, in order to design appropriate interventions to address research capacity challenges faced by them. One of his highlights whilst employed at National Research National as a Research Manager was the development of various strategy documents and guidelines on how to strengthen the HEIs management and leadership capabilities in establishing research collaborations support and sustain the existing research collaborations. Some of the above-mentioned documents have become the ‘blue prints’ for research capacity and development at HEIs. He has been actively participating in international and national discourse with regard to the current national economic competitiveness of South Africa versus the developmental state its Science, Technology and Innovation in comparison with other OECD countries. His current substantive position is that of Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Technology Innovation and Partnerships at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. He has been recently nominated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s Research Forum to serve on the Research and Innovation Strategy Group of USAf. He is the outgoing Chair of the Cape Higher Education Consortium (CHEC).
He is currently serving as Vice – Chancellor of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.


The Council is the governing body of the University and is constituted of members appointed by the Minister of Education as well as representatives from the following bodies:

  • Senate
  • SRC
  • Academic and non-academic staff
  • The Convocation

Roles and responsibilities

The Council’s responsibilities are subject to the Higher Education Act of 1997 and the CPUT Statute of May 2010.
The Council

  • Makes Rules for the institution,
  • Establishes Council committees and determines the functions and composition of each committee,
  • Establishes, in consultation with the senate, joint committees of the council and the senate to perform functions which are common to the council and senate,
  • Appoints all employees of the institution, but in the case of academic appointments, it may do so after consulting senate,
  • Determines the student admission policy of the institution, after consultation with the senate,
  • Determines, with the approval of the senate, the entrance requirements in respect of particular higher education programmes, the number of students who may be admitted for a particular higher education programme and the manner of their selection, and the minimum requirements for readmission to study at the institution,
  • May, with the approval of the senate, refuse readmission to a student who fails to satisfy the minimum requirements for readmission, and
  • Determines and provides student support services after consultation with the SRC.

(SourceCPUT Statute:  Government Gazette, No. 33202.  Republic of South Africa)

Council members


Other positions
Sibiya, Precious (Ms)
CA (SA) (University of Durban Westville)
Independent Consultant
Deputy Chairperson
Mapoma, Zuko (Adv)
Member of the Cape Town Bar
Ministerial Appointees
Van Jaarsveld, Susan (Ms)
MCom (UFS)
Senior Director: Human Resources –
University of Free State
Easthorpe, Reynold (Mr)
Business Owner: Shefa Enterprises/ Express Employment
Ngxiza, Sonwabile (Mr)
Research and Content Support – Office of the Deputy Speaker, Parliament (RSA)
Nojozi, Nogolide (Ms)
MA (Wits)
Executive Director (Head of Office), Office of the Speaker, National Assembly of South Africa
Convocation Representatives
Council Appointees
Hadebe, Bheki (Mr)
BTech (CPUT)
Councillor: City of Cape Town
Dhevcharran, Nirvani (Ms)
MA (UNISA), Advanced Business Programme (DUT)
Director: Pearson Institute
Gumbi, Dumisani (Mr)
Group IT Governance Architect: Sanlam Group
Groenewald, Liezl (Ms)
MA (Wits)
Manager: Organisational Ethics – The Ethics Institute
President: Business Ethics Network of Africa
Cilliers, Annelise (Ms)
Executive Director: Finwize Financial Services
Dondashe, Nomveliso (Ms)
B.Com Honours (Industrial Psychology) (UWC)
Provincial HR Business Partner/ HR Ops
Manager: Eskom Holdings
Son, Grant (Dr) PhD (University of Stellenbosch)
CEO: Batho Phahameng Engineering and ConsultingCEO: Founder and Chairman – I Am Black Gold
City of Cape Town Appointee
Carls, Kyle (Mr)
Councillor: City of Cape Town
Donor Representative
Yach, Dianna (Aprof)
LLM (University of London)
Chairperson: Mauerberger Foundation Fund [MFF]
Provincial Government Appointee
Platzky, Laurine (Dr)
PhD (ISS, Erasmus University)
Associate Professor: University of Cape Town
Executive Management
Nhlapo, Chris (Dr)
PhD (Potchefstroom University)Vice-Chancellor
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Technology, Innovation and Partnerships
Staak, Anthony (Prof)
MSc Eng, BA (Oxon) and MS Technology and Policy (MIT)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching and Learning
Sheldon, Marshall (Prof)
Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Technology Innovation and Partnerships (RTIP), CPUT
Senate Representatives
Kioko, Joseph (Prof)
PhD (University of Natal)
Head of Department: Department of Conservation and Marine Sciences
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Sosibo, Zilungile (Aprof)
PhD (Northern Illinois University)
Senior lecturer, CPUT
Academic Representatives
Helsby, Claire (Ms)
MCom (University of Stellenbosch)
Lecturer, CPUT
Msomi, Velaphi (Dr)
Non-academic Representatives
Kunene, Thembile (Mr)
Debtors Clerk, CPUT
Nkwana, Sello (Mr)
BTech (CPUT)
Electrical Technician: CPUT
Student Representatives


Executive Management

The Executive Management is the body that guides, monitors and evaluates the implementation of strategic planning, policy and Council decisions to ensure that the institutional vision and mission are attained.
Role and Objectives
Guided by the Vision 2020 Strategic Plan, members of the Executive Management collectively see to the proper management of the University. This includes the management of assets, finances, human resources, infrastructure and facilities, the implementation of institutional policies, as well as the supervision and maintenance of the academic project.
The Executive Management reports to Council on teaching and learning, research and innovation as well as all other academic and management functions of the institution via the Senate and the relevant Council Committees.
Executive Management Members

Vice-Chancellor Dr Chris NhlapoContact details:
Tel: +27 21 959 6203
E-mail: [email protected]
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: AcademicProfessor Anthony StaakContact details:
Tel: +27 21 460 3356
E-mail: [email protected]
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Knowledge and Information Technology Services
Prof Louis Fourie
Contact details:
Tel: +27 21 460 9015
Email: [email protected]
RegistrarMr Nikile NtsababaContact details:
Tel: +27 21 959 6243
E-mail: [email protected]
(Acting) Dean of StudentsMr Vuyisile VoyiContact details:
Tel: +27 21 460 3911
E-mail: [email protected]
MarshallSheldon 200 (Acting) Deputy Vice-Chancellor:
Research, Technology, 
Innovation and PartnershipsAss Prof Marshall SheldonContact details:
Tel: +27 21 959 6757
E-mail: [email protected]
Executive Director: Finance

Mr Peter du Plessis

Contact details:
Tel: +27 21 959 6204
Executive Director: Infrastructure 
Development and Facilities
Management (Vacant)
Contact details:
Executive Director: Office of the Vice Chancellor (Vacant) 
Executive Director: Human Capital
Amanda Glaeser
Contact details:
Tel: +27 21 460 3339

Contact us

Call centre [email protected] Tel: +27 21 959 6767
Applications, admissions
and registration enquiries
[email protected] Tel: +27 21 959 6393
Tel: +27 21 959 6270
Tel: +27 21 959 6072
Tel: +27 21 460 3393
Tel: +27 21 460 3373
Tel: +27 21 460 8353
Athlone Campus Klipfontein Road
Tel: +27 21 684 1200
Bellville Campus PO Box 1906
Symphony Way
(off Robert Sobukwe Road)
Tel: +27 21 959 6911
District Six Campus PO Box 652
Cape Town
Keizersgracht and
Tennant Street
Tel: +27 21 460 3911
Granger Bay Campus PO Box 652
Cape Town
Beach Road
Mouille Point
Tel: +27 21 440 5700
Mowbray Campus PO Box 652
Cape Town
Highbury Road
Tel: +27 21 680 1500
Wellington Campus Private Bag X8
Jan van Riebeeck Street
Tel: +27 21 864 5200
Groote Schuur Hospital
(Service point)
Groote Schuur Drive
Cape Town
Tel: +27 21 442 6160
Roeland Street Building Roeland Street
Cape Town
Tel: +27 21 469 1000
Media City Building 1 Heerengracht Street
Cape Town
Tel: +27 21 440 2232
Tygerberg Hospital
(Service point)
Francie van Zijl Street
Tel: +27 21 959 5571