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Wits Deferred Exam Timetable 2018

Wits Deferred Exam Timetable 2018, A deferred assessment is one awarded in terms of the rules by the Dean or his/her duly appointed agent, on application, to a student who, by reason of illness, religious scruples or some other good and sufficient cause, has either failed to attend or complete his/her assessment(s), or who would suffer hardship to an exceptional degree if compelled to complete his/her assessment(s) at the normal time.


Results will be published on the Student Self-Service portal.

2018 October/November Final Timetables, click to download: 

2018 Final Deferred Timetable, please contact your faculty office.

2019 January Deferred and Supplementary Examinations

Exam Timetables are also being published on:

  • The EGO noticeboards situated adjacent to the West Wing lifts on the 2nd floor, Solomon Mahlangu House on East Campus 
  • The noticeboards on the Ground Floor, School of Accounting Building, Braamfontein Campus West

Application for Extra-Time:

  • Students must go to Campus Health and Wellness Centre (CHWC) in the Matrix for an assessment.
  • They in turn will inform your Faculty of the outcome of the assessment and make necessary recommendations for Extra Time for approval by the Dean.
  • The Faculty will send a letter of approval, indicating the Extra Time granted and for which period, to EGO, Disability Unit (if necessary), School as well as a copy for you. You must keep a copy of this letter with you to present at the Extra Time Venue for all your examinations.

The application for Extra Time must be completed with your Faculty and Campus Health and Wellness Centre (CHWC) by no later than last working day of April.


EXTRA TIME/EARLY STARTERS (for religious purposes) and students with CLASHES 

Students whose applications for Extra Time/Early Starters have been approved:

  • Must produce their Faculty approval letter or a letter from their Religious leader when presenting themselves at the ‘special venue’, SH3118.
  • Please note that you will not be given access to the venue without the letter. EGO will provide the letter of approval for exam clashes.

Applications for Extra Time/Early Starters or clashes must be completed and submitted to the EGO office at least two weeks prior to start of exam period.

Responsibility of the students 

  1. The onus is on each student to ascertain from the displayed timetables the date, time and venue of the examination(s) for which he or she is registered for.
  2. Where a student has an examination timetable clash this must be reported immediately to the School and or the Examinations and Graduation Office. (Please Note: A clash is when two examinations have been scheduled to be written at the same time, on the same day ! – Not one in the morning and another in the afternoon)
  3. Misreading of the examination timetable will not be condoned.
  4. Please consult your Faculty/School if a course that you have been registered for does not appear on your timetable.


  • You must produce your STUDENT CARD at ALL examination sittings. This number must appear on all your answer books as well as the attendance register.
  • Students are requested not to bring their cell phones or any personal belongings to the examination venue. The university is not responsible for, nor will be held liable for the loss of students’ personal belongings.