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Sefako Makgatho 2018 Calendar

Sefako Makgatho 2018 Calendar, the calender for the 2018 academic in the university is provided below. It entails the vision, mission and the history of the university.




To be the benchmark institution providing holistic health sciences education that meets the health needs of the individual, the family, the community and the population.


 Provide high-quality primary health care-oriented health sciences research, education and services.


 Deploy educational approaches that include evidence-based methods for curriculum development and delivery that are rooted in the community.

 Promote interdisciplinary research, education and skills training that recognizes the cross-disciplinary nature of holistic health care provision

 Produce a cadre of health professionals with the transformative leadership capacity to identify, analyse and address the health needs of the individual, the family, the community and the population.

 Create an environment that supports innovation and harnesses the power of new technologies to address the health needs of the community.