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CUT Teaching

CUT Teaching, Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic assistance programme that aims to enhance student performance and retention. SI does not identify high-risk students, but rather identifies high-risk subjects.


SI sessions commence during the first week of the term. During the first class session, the SI leader explains what SI is all about and compiles a schedule for SI sessions that is convenient for most of the students. SI sessions are open to all students. Students who obtain 50% and below in any specific subject are especially encouraged to attend the SI sessions. Since SI is introduced on the first day that classes commence, and due to the fact that it is open for all students to attend, it is not viewed as remedial education. SI leaders are the key people in the supporting process and role models for students in a specific subject. They partake in an intensive training programme, which covers topics such as how students learn, instructional strategies aimed at strengthening student performance, data collection and management details.

SI sessions integrate “how-to-learn” with “what-to-learn”. Students who attend SI sessions discover appropriate application of study strategies and have the opportunity to become actively involved in the course material, as the SI leader uses the text and lecture notes as the vehicle for learning skill instruction.

What can you expect when attending the SI sessions?


  1. Better academic performance
  2. Peer-facilitated sessions
  3. Improved learning, thinking and reasoning skills.
  4. Students are encouraged to set academic goals for themselves.
  5. We also learn students to accept responsibility for their own studies.

Academic literacy

All first-year students registering for the first time at CUT must write the Academic Language Proficiency (ALP) test, unless they have successfully completed a language proficiency module in English at another institution of higher learning. Evidence of credits earned in such cases must be provided. The compulsory ALP test assesses the student’s readiness to handle the reading and writing demands of university education, as well as the ability to apply his/her linguistic competence deriving from knowledge and experience gained at school level.

All CUT students are welcome.


  • Advice on any issues related to disability
  • Counselling for students with disabilities
  • Assistance for students who need extra time during tests and examination
  • Access to the campus for physically handicapped students
  • Information to lecturing staff regarding the needs of disabled students
  • Advice on academic adjustments and reasonable accommodation.
  • Providing technical assistance.