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UP Zoology


UP Zoology

UP Zoology, We are a highly productive, research-oriented department with a strong focus on biodiversity, systematics and conservation of the southern African fauna, along with the classical disciplines of physiology, behaviour and ecology. There is a major emphasis on mammals from mole-rats to seals in the MRI, and also on elephants (Conservation Ecology Research Unit: CERU). Other research groups focus on restoration ecology, avian ecophysiology and molecular zoology. Entomological research includes dung beetles (Scarab Research Group), honeybees (Social Insect Research Group: SIRG), and pest and vector managment.

Message from the Head of Department

Welcome to the Department of Zoology and Entomology at the University of Pretoria!

The Department of Zoology and Entomology provides excellence in teaching and sustained high productivity and quality in research. We are a highly skilled, internationally recognised scientific team, whose major research and teaching goals are to provide a comprehensive understanding of the patterns in, processes underlying, threats to, and management of biodiversity in natural and human-influenced landscapes.


Our interests lie mostly in the insects, birds and mammals of Africa, but staff and students also work on and are passionate about a variety of other animals, from the molecular to the ecological level. This is reflected in the diverse research groups in the Department, including the Mammal Research Institute, Conservation Ecology Research Unit, Social Insects Research Group and Scarab Research Group. Some of us are affiliated with the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) and the DST-NRF Centre for Invasion Biology and Percy FitzPatrick Institute for African Ornithology. We also excel in research on the management of insect pests and vectors of disease with a view to ensuring food security and animal and human health, the use of stable isotopes to answer ecological questions, and the evolution and diversity of African fauna.


Above all, we strive to be a leading research and teaching department in the disciplines of Zoology and Entomology in Africa and internationally, recognised for the quality, relevance and impact of our research and graduates that are sought after by all stakeholders.

I encourage you to browse our website to become familiar with the people in the Department and the important research that they are doing, and welcome your questions and feedback.

click here for more infos

Contact us

Acting Head of Department

Prof. Mark Robertson
Room 3-11, First floor, Zoology Building
Tel.: +27 (0)12 420 3233
Fax: +27 (0)12 362 5242
Email: [email protected]

Department Secretary

Ms Vongani Maboko
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 2539
Email: [email protected]

IT Manager

Mr Human Buirski
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 5147
Email: [email protected]

Web Producers

Dr Chris Weldon
Email: [email protected]

Prof. Amanda Bastos
Email: [email protected]