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Damelin Past Year Papers

Damelin Past Year Papers, to access the past papers in the Damelin college, please click the provided link below to gain access to the information.
Damelin Past year papers
Please note:
Once the order has been placed, an automated email will be sent with your order details and another confirmation email stating whether payment transaction was successful or declined. If, successful the email with contain links to download each paper. For any technical difficulties in downloading the papers from links provided, students are requested to contact the examinations department with a copy of the successful payment confirmation email and the papers will be sent via email on receipt.

  • You can order previous exam papers for up to four previous sessions. However, not all exam papers had previous sessions, and not all previous exam papers are available for purchase.
  • All previous question papers will be emailed only. No papers will be faxed or sent in the post.
  • Question papers are available in English only. Memoranda are not provided with question papers.
  • Damelin Correspondence will not be held responsible for incorrect past exam papers purchased or for payment errors pertaining to third party payments