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UCT Jammie

UCT Jammie

UCT Jammie,


Jammie Shuttle

A bus shuttle service, called the Jammie Shuttle, is available free to all UCT students and staff.
A fleet of 26 buses, including a special one for disabled passengers, operates between residences, all UCT campuses and some public bus, train and parking facilities close to the university.

Jammie Shuttle buses run to a strictly controlled schedule. Each bus is fitted with a monitoring system that allows its location to be constantly checked.

Route maps and timetables

Staff timetable | Student timetable
The scheduled service is available on weekdays, weekends and holidays, during both term time and vacations. It also includes a late-night service.
Timetables are posted on Jammie Shuttle notice boards.
The Jammie Shuttle is available only to the UCT community and you can be sure of safe, friendly, clean and comfortable transport at all times.
The buses are environmentally friendly and  cater for sight- and hearing-impaired students.
Jammie Shuttles on Upper Campus


Jammie Bike

The Jammie Bike Pilot Project rents bicycles to staff and students for travel to campus.
About 200 21-speed robust bicycles, branded with the Jammie Bike logo, are up for lease on an annual basis as part of a pilot project.
The scheme, managed by UCT’s Properties and Services Department and the Green Campus initiative, encourages non-motorised access to campus as part of the Campus Access Management Plan.


Why Jammie Bike?

In order to move away from private car use and reduce UCT’s carbon footprint, Properties and Services has developed cycling infrastructure on Main Campus. This includes:

  • road markings
  • signage
  • bike parking racks and stations

Cycle routes

The new cycle routes follow paths that are considered safest, have an easier gradient and go through pleasant environments. Routes that are considered too hazardous (such as Woolsack Drive and the northern entrance to UCT) have not been provided with this infrastructure.
The two principal routes to Upper Campus from Main Road or Lower Campus are via roads through Middle Campus.
From Rondebosch Main Road, the route is as follows:

  • up Grotto or Burg, via Stanley Road, to Rhodes Drive
  • through the underpass at the UCT rugby fields
  • south towards UCT’s southern entrance
  • up to Rugby Road and University Avenue.

If you are aiming for the northern end of campus, the route is as follows:

  • cross over the bridge on Baxter Road
  • ride up through Middle Campus on the path above the embankment along Woolsack Drive
  • head towards the parking area of the Sports Centre
  • pass through the Sport Centre using the ramp
  • arrive on Rugby Road.

A dedicated cycle lane has been installed along Rugby Road, which is particularly narrow. Elsewhere cyclists share the road with vehicles. Motorists are warned to “pass wide”, a ruling supported by the provincial government that requires a motorist to leave one and a half meters space when passing a cyclist.
Other cycle routes are shared with pedestrians, and this is indicated by the signage.

Parking racks

Bike parking racks are installed in groups around campus, especially at transport hubs, where bikes can be securely locked.
If you prefer not to tackle the gradient to Upper Campus, you can leave your bike for the day at a secure bike parking station and catch the Jammie Shuttle up the hill.