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UNISA Short Course in the Introduction to Creative Writing

UNISA Short Course in the Introduction to Creative Writing

University of South Africa Short Course in the Introduction to Creative Writing

Short Course in the Introduction to Creative Writing (72052)


  • To introduce the basics of creative writing in prose and poetry
  • To enable the student to approach a creative writing task with

discipline and direction

Target group

People with an interest in creative writing

Admission requirements

Senior Certificate or an equivalent NQF level 4 qualification or equivalent experience



Language medium


Registration periods

1st semester: January/February
2nd semester: June/ July

Tuition method

UNISA open distance learning

Kind of assessment

Formative assessment and examination admission will comply with UNISA’s formative assessment rules and policies
Formative assessment:
Summative assessment:
Portfolios of evidence


Introduction to Creative Writing (CCWR01A)
Syllabus/Content Topics
  • Words: denotation and connotation
  • Paradox words, images and symbols: in themselves and in literary contexts
  • Words and the senses: the five basic senses as well as sixth (or eidetic) sense
  • Words and rhyme, rhythm
  • Words and sounds: assonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia, sibilants, plosives
  • Words and sentences: simple, compound, and complex; subject and predicate
  • The leitmotif: a case study
  • Rules and exceptions of poetry writing:
  • Metaphor,
  • Form and content of a poem,
  • Praise poetry, Free verse, Epiphanic moments,
  • The Sonnet, the Ballad,
  • Parody, Allegory and Satire


Course leader

Prof M M K Lephalala Teachers Dip (English and Mathematics)BA (English, Education) (VISTA)BA Ed (UNISA)MA (Language and Literature) (RAU) PhD (Edinburgh University, UK)
Discipline expertise: 20 years secondary, tertiary teaching experience, and ODL experience
Department of English Studies
Office 7-032, Theo van Wijk Building, UNISA
Tel: 012 429 6396
Fax: 012 429 6222
E-mail: [email protected]

Programme administrator(s)

Ms. Molebogeng Modikwe
Tel :(012) 429 2690
Email : [email protected]
Fax : (012) 429 6222
Ms. Dineo Mkhari
Tel: (012) 429 2690
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (012) 429 6222