TUT Twitter
TUT Twitter, below is the twitter account for the Tshwane University Technology.
The quality of TUT’s staff, students, training, research & community engagement makes this dynamic, mega-University prominent in SA higher education.
TUT, Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) is a higher education institution in South Africa that came into being through a merger of three technikons — Technikon Northern Gauteng, Technikon North-West and Technikon Pretoria.
As the number of students registering annually grows rapidly, records show that Tshwane University of Technology caters for approximately 60,000 students and it has become the largest residential higher education institution in South Africa.
Mission, Vision and Values
Pioneering an enterprising and transformative brand of twenty-first Century University of Technology scholarship.
TUT’s Mission
In fulfilling its vision, TUT will support its students to achieve their highest potential in a safe, enabling and conducive environment by:
- Fostering a scholarship of teaching and learning
- Providing relevant and competitive academic programmes with seamless articulation pathways
- Investing in state-of-the-art technology
- Conducting relevant research and promoting innovation, engagement and social enterprise
TUT’s Values
To attain its Vision, the staff and students of Tshwane University of Technology commit to
- Social accountability
- Duty of care
- Non-discrimination
- Greening the environment
- To prepare diverse students for rewarding careers and responsible citizenry by providing a student-centred learning experience that is underpinned by a scholarship of teaching and learning.
- To promote a culture of inquiry and social enterprise through technology-based postgraduate studies, research and innovation in current and emerging niche areas.
- To promote mutually-beneficial academic, social and economic partnerships
- To provide a supportive teaching and learning, working and living environment for staff and students