TUT Vendor Forms
TUT Vendor Forms,
Mandatory fields
–Certain fields and documents are mandatory to certain business types only. Please ensure that all fields mandatory to your business type which are marked as “Mandatory Field” have been completed and if a field is not applicable to your business type, clearly mark it as N/A.
Required documentation
–Please refer to the attached table (Following page) to determine the mandatory supporting documentation required for your business type. Please ensure that all copies of Mandatory documents (certified copies where applicable) are attached.
Completion of questions
–Clearly state Yes, No or N/A to questions asked. Do not leave any Mandatory fields blank.
Certified Documents
–Please ensure that a Commissioner of Oaths has certified your Company Registration document and Proof of Shareholding Certificates. The stamp of certification should be on the front of the document.
Copies of Documents
-Please keep copies of the registration form and all supporting documentation submitted for your own records and to ensure that all data is maintained and up to date on a continual basis.
Owners, Shareholders and Partners
–Please ensure that the percentage of ownership calculated up to 100% and that a field is completed for each of the business owners.
Certification of Correctness
–Please ensure that the Certification of Correctness is signed and dated once all required documents and information have been submitted.
Collection points
–Completed registration forms and supporting documentation can be delivered to the address on the registration form.
Processing of registration
–Your completed registration will be processed and once verified, will be approved and you will be issued with a Vendor Registration Number to be used in all future communication with Tshwane University of Technology. The letter of verification will be dispatched to the correspondence details supplied on page three. Please note that this administration process will take a minimum of 5 days. Once your registration has been included on the TUT Database your details will be accessible to the purchasing officers of TUT.
Business Opportunities
–Please note that registration on the TUT Supplier Database does not guarantee business opportunities. Inclusion of the name in a database does not in any way guarantee any persons, company, service provider, vendor, etc. a ny business from the Tshwane University of Technology.
All procurement will be subjected to the Procurement and Tender policies of Tshwane University of Technology.
–Please notify the Tshwane University of Technology
–Procurement Department immediately of any changes to the verified information submitted.
–Should you have any queries or if you require assistance completing the registration form, please contact the Procurement office on (T) 0123825207.
If a company has more than one office, each office must fill in a separate from unless the point of transaction is centralized in the company’s head office.
Please note that the key facilities in the database are classified as commodities and each potential vendor must indicate the commodity/commodities in which it would like to register for RFQ’s.
The main objective of this process is to enhance transparency and equality on the part of the University and to facilitate effective communication with its vendors.
Applications must be delivered by hand and must be fully completed with all the relevant documentation attached.
It is a condition of bidding that a vendor’s taxes must be in order or satisfactory arrangements must have been made with the Receiver of Revenue to meet his/her tax obligations.
In bids where consortia/joint ventures/sub contractors are involved, each party must submit a separate valid Tax
Clearance Certificate.
Registrar of Close Corporations & companies Zanza Building, 116 Proes Street, Pretoria 086 184 3384
Department of Labour (U.I.F certificates) 94 Church street, Pretoria 012 337 1802
City of Tshwane/Local Authority if not based in Tshwane HB Phillip Building, 320 Bosman Street, Pretoria.
012 337 4000
Department of Labour
(Workman’s Compensation
Compensation House, Cnr Hamilton & Soutpansberg Rd,
012 319 9111
Receiver of Revenue (SARS)
c/o Schoeman & v.d. Walt Street, P.O. Box 436, Pretoria 0001
012 317 2000
Security Service Industry Regulatory Authority
481 Belvedere Street, Arcadia
012 337 5500