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UNISA Honours Degree Courses in Science, Engineering & Technology

UNISA Honours Degree Courses in Science, Engineering & Technology

University of South Africa Honours Degree Courses in Science, Engineering & Technology


BACHELOR OF SCIENCE HONOURS in Physics Education (98914)
Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Business Informatics (98450)
Bachelor of Science Honours in Applied Mathematics (98921)
Bachelor of Science Honours in Astronomy (98920)
Bachelor of Science Honours in Chemistry (98919)
Bachelor of Science Honours in Chemistry Education (98910)
Bachelor of Science Honours in Computing (98908)
Bachelor of Science Honours in Computing Education (98911)
Bachelor of Science Honours in Life Science Education (98912)
Bachelor of Science Honours in Mathematics (98923)
Bachelor of Science Honours in Mathematics Education (98913)
Bachelor of Science Honours in Physics (98918)
Bachelor of Science Honours in Statistics (98922)
Bachelor of Science Honours in Statistics Education (98916)