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UCT Venue Booking

UCT Venue Booking

UCT Venue Booking,


Booking venues

This information applies to UCT students’ events in residence only.
Venue bookings are made with the Residence Secretary General [email protected] at the UCT Venue Bookings Office (VBO).
Guest speakers may be arranged. If the guest is likely to attract a large audience, tickets should be issued to limit the size of the attending crowd.
Sound equipment and projectors can be hired from the Societies Helpdesk on Level 5 of the Steve Biko Students’ Union Building.
Warden and SH&RL:
The residence Warden and department of SH&RL must be informed of the event. In the case of high profile guests, CMD should also be informed as certain procedures and protocols must be observed. The following other departments may also need to be informed:
·         Properties and Services
·         Campus Protection Services
·         Traffic Department
·         Vice Chancellors Office


To book a venue, email and complete a House Committee and On & Off Campus Events Application Form.


Events Checklist
Permission for Student Events
Permission for House Committee Events
On and Off Campus Events Process