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UNISA Short Course in Applied Risk Management

UNISA Short Course in Applied Risk Management

University of South Africa Short Course in Applied Risk Management

Short Course in Applied Risk Management (76929)



The purpose of this short learning programme is to expose students to practical risk scenarios and to apply their knowledge on risk management to develop risk management practices. Students accredited with this course are able to understand and apply risk management solutions that are necessary in modern organisations to ensure a proactive approach to manage risks.

Target group

The target group for this short course is current and potential risk managers at middle to senior levels. The course aims to provide a practical approach to risk management in order to prepare students to implement the underlying theoretical concepts to enhance the management of risk exposures.

Admission requirements

A National Senior Certificate and Programme in Risk Management on NQF level 6 or an appropriate NQF level 6 qualification



Language medium


Tuition method

Open Distance Learning (ODL)


Kind of assessment

Formative: Assignment
Summative: Portfolio

Applied Risk Management (SCARM01)
Syllabus/Content Topics

The short course is based on research of relevant risk management topics which requires an in-depth understanding to ensure the practical application of risk management processes. Specific topics:

  • Research methodologies to investigate and analyse relevant topics.
  • Research relevant topics which could relate to one or more of the following risk types:
  • Operational risk.
  • Market risk.
  • Reputational risk
  • Credit risk
  • Strategic risk
  • Legal risk


Course leader

Prof J Young DCom (Risk Management)
Discipline expertise: Lecturer for Various Financial Management Modules
Office 05-122, A J H van der Walt Building, UNISA
Tel: 012 429 3010
Fax: 012 429 3552 (086 695 3324)
E-mail: [email protected]

Programme administrator(s)

Centre for Business Management Help Desk:
Solomon Mahlangu Building, UNISA
Tel: (012) 352 4288 / 4170 / 4317 / 4383
Fax: 012 429 4150
E-mail: [email protected]