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UCT Payslip

UCT Payslip

UCT Payslip,
SAP HR Employee Self-Service (ESS) provides UCT staff with access to payslips and IRP5 tax certificates. Ad hoc staff, paid-on-claim staff or those paid by a temp agency will unfortunately not have access to the service due to the temporary nature of their role.
The current focus for Employee Self-Service is on automating leave processes. The online leave functionality is currently available to a number of PASS departments and one faculty. HR will launch the system to other faculties and PASS departments in the last quarter of 2018.
Instructions for logging in to SAP HR Employee Self-Service (ESS)

  1. Open a web browser (e.g. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Internet Explorer).
    Note: SAP HR Employee Self-Service is available off-campus but is not yet available on mobile devices.
  2. Log in to SAP HR Employee Self-Service via
    Note: You can also access Employee Self-Service via the HR website by using the Quick Links drop-down list (in the light purple bar on every web page) and selecting Log in to SAP HR Employee/Manager Self-Service (payslip, IRP5, online leave). You may need to allow browser pop-ups to use this option.
  3. If not already logged in to single sign-on, the UCT single sign-on page appears. If already logged in to single sign-on, the SAP Netweaver Business Client page immediately appears (see step 4).
    • In the User name field, enter your UCT staff number.
      Note: UCT staff number only, third party “T” accounts will not work.
    • In the Password field, enter your network password.
    • Click Sign in
  4. The SAP Netweaver Business Client page appears.
    • To view a payslip, click Salary Statement.
    • To view an IRP5, click IRP5 form. Once the page has loaded, select the appropriate tax year using the drop-down list
    • If your department / faculty has access to online leave:
      • Either create leave requests, view leave requests or view leave balances in the Working Time section. View either the Employee Self-Service quick reference guide or for detailed instructions, the Employee Self-Service guide.
      • Or if you are a Line Manager, process leave requests by clicking the Manager Self-Service tab. View either the Manager Self-Service quick reference guide or for detailed instructions, the Manager Self-Service guide

UCT Payslip