Unizulu Department Of Information Studies, BA (IS) will take a duration of three years and at least 24 modules. The purpose of the programme is to offer the student knowledge, skills and attitudes for information and knowledge management and is aimed at jobs in the broad information field both within public and corporate organizations.
Programme or exit level outcomes of the AIDEG1 degree are to equip students with:
1. Digital literacy skills in Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), multimedia and computer networks.
2. Appropriate knowledge and skills to identify, organise and retrieve information.
3. Appropriate knowledge of information behaviour and collection development in a variety of information centres.
4. Appropriate knowledge and skills in general and inforprenueral management.
5. Theoretical research skills.
6. Information literacy and communication skills
On completion of this programme the student can be admitted to an Honours degree programme or its equivalent
Bachelor of Library and Information Science -BLIS (AIDEG2) NQF Level 8 Credits 480
BLIS will take four years consisting of 32 modules. The purpose of the qualification programme is to offer knowledge, skills and attitudes for professional information management and service in libraries, in particular, and in information centers in general. On completion of this degree programme the student can be admitted into a Master’s qualification programme.
Programme or exit level outcomes of the AIDEG2 degree are to equip students with:
1. Appropriate understanding and practical experience in the development, services, functions and the role of technologies used in libraries and information services.
2. Appropriate knowledge and skills in general, record, knowledge and inforprenueral management.
3. Appropriate knowledge and skills to identify, organise and retrieve information.
4. Appropriate knowledge of information behaviour and ethics.
5. Digital literacy skills in Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), multimedia and library management systems.
6. Theoretical and practical research skills.
7. Information literacy and communication skills
BA Honours in Information Sciences (AHON13) NQF Level 7 Credits 120
The BIS –Honours is a postgraduate degree programme offered to aspirants who already have BA (IS) or their equivalent qualification and obtained 60 % average marks in LIS subjects offered for the duration of study and wish to pursue advanced study in LIS. The programme takes one year full-time and two years part-time study and consists of eight courses including three compulsory of which six must be chosen. For qualification purposes a candidate shall obtain an average of at least 50%, with a minimum of 45% allowed in two papers in the honours examination.
(Five three-hour papers and a research project) AIS501, AIS503 and AIS506 (research report) are compulsory)
Master of Arts in Information Sciences (AMAS13) NQF Level 9 Credits 180
Admission requirements
Refer to Faculty requirements
Duration of the proposed degree
The curriculum shall extend over at least one year.
The examination shall consist of a dissertation on an approved subject. This may be supplemented with an oral examination if the Head of the Department deems it fit.
Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Science (ADPH13) NQF Level 10 Credits 360
Rules for a Doctorate in the Faculty of Arts shall apply. The examination shall consist of a thesis on an approved topic subject to rules G48-G56
To be a leading LIS department, nationally and globally, based in a rural setting, providing quality career oriented programmes and service in information studies through our teaching, research and community engagement.
The department’s mission is:
• To provide students from diverse backgrounds with access to an enabling and caring teaching and learning environment in information studies
• To respond to local, national and global demand for human capital development in the information studies by providing students with relevant education and training through academic and career-focused programmes.
• To generate knowledge through research in information studies and to disseminate [research] through publications, teaching, development and information or knowledge sharing.
The Department of Information Studies will offer the following five programmes in 2018. Bachelor of Arts-Information Science, Bachelor of Library and Information Science, BA Honours in Information Sciences, Master’s of Arts in Information Science and PhD. Undergraduate programmes will only be offered if the student intake exceeds 10 at level one. The Postgraduate Diploma in Library and Information Science (AIDIP1) will not be offered in 2018 due to staff vacancy in the department.
HEAD OF DEPARTMENT: Dr Neil Davies Evans, PhD
Phone: (035) 9026169
Fax: (035) 9026082
POSTAL ADDRESS: University of Zululand, Private Bag X1001, KwaDlangezwa, 3886