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University Of Fort Hare Webmail Login

University Of Fort Hare Webmail Login, this service provides individual and group email services and includes spam and virus filtering.  The service is available for all staff and students.


University Of Fort Hare Webmail Login

This service provides all staff and students with Internet access and includes web filtering consistent with the University’s security policy.
This service includes:Access to the internet from all three campuses
Troubleshooting by Service Desk Analysts for staff and students for issues related to web browsing and proxy configurations
Tracking of internet usage
A process for users to apply for exceptions to web filtering content
Monitoring and managing bandwidth
Managing and maintaining all infrastructure necessary to deliver the service



This service provides staff, students and groups with secure storage space for electronic data

This service includes:

  • Provisioning of individual and group file storage with applicable quotas
  • A process for creating group file storage and sharing by request
  • A process of safely archiving all the University’s intellectual property
  • Server based virus scanning
  • Capacity and usage monitoring