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UP Your Brand

UP Your Brand

UP Your Brand,


UP Brand and Corporate Identity

The purpose of this Policy is to manage the development, usage and protection of the University of Pretoria’s brand as an important strategic asset directly related to the reputation of the University. The aim of the policy is to ensure that staff, students, suppliers, agencies and contractors and any affiliated entity of the University of Pretoria use the brand and its various manifestations across the corporate spectrum, faculties, centres, units, subsidiaries and projects consistently and coherently to maintain the integrity of the brand. This policy defines the roles, procedures and rules for the University to ensure that these are adhered to and that there is accountability in implementing, streamlining, controlling, managing and maintaining the brand as representative of the University’s reputation.
This policy applies to all permanent and contract staff, students, agencies, suppliers, contractors of the University of Pretoria and third parties who have been granted the rights to use University of Pretoria brands.
This Policy applies to all communications and visual materials, including, but not limited to, all forms of media, printed materials, online representations, PowerPoint presentations, signage, clothing, vehicles and communications and representations created by and for all
administrative/support departments, faculties, academic departments, centres, institutes, student organisations, sport structures and alumni relations. The ideal is to create a sense of ownership and loyalty to the University symbols and slogans across the institution. There are only two University of Pretoria brands that are allowed a logo – The University of Pretoria and TUKS. The University of Pretoria brand architecture spectrum allows for four distinct tiers, the masterbrand (University of Pretoria and Tuks), sub-brands (some institutes and centres), endorsed brands (such as GIBS, hpc™ and other institutes and centres) and stand-alone brands (for example the campus companies) that have no visual association with the University. Factors such as reputational risk, brand alignment and the degree of funding will determine where an entity fits within the brand architecture spectrum. When faculties, departments or programs create customized visual or graphical identifiers beyond
the brand architecture, the result is dilution and deterioration of the institutional brand identity. This leads to public confusion, decreased stakeholder confidence and ineffective market positioning. No logos will, therefore, be allowed for new entities unless the funder, as the majority shareholder, requests that a new logo is developed as part of the negotiated contract. Exceptions to this rule may only be approved by the Executive.


Branding and Advertising


Consistent application of the University of Pretoria branding elements – our institutional colours, typefaces, crests and other unique properties – helps to establish a strong, substantial and distinctive identity for the University, wherever and whenever communication and marketing materials are seen.
Consistent application of our branding elements will ensure that all UP communication and marketing materials, whether letters and leaflets, banners or brochures, reinforce UP’s reputation for excellence.
Guidance about deploying the University brand is available in the Corporate Identity Manual, together with approved colour palettes and typography for use in University publications and other marketing materials.
University-branded stationery and templates for PowerPoint presentations are available for download by members of the University.


Advertising still represents a powerful marketing tool to raise awareness and support for the University of Pretoria among its many target markets.
The Advertising sub-division manages the planning, development, execution and placement of all the University’s corporate advertising campaigns.
Our main corporate advertising objectives are to:

  • develop and enhance the awareness, image and reputation of UP among our key stakeholders; and
  • support advertising campaigns conducted by the CSC, faculties, schools and institutes aimed at recruiting undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Contact :
Petronella Khwane
Tel: 012 420 3706
E-mail: [email protected]