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Wits Bursaries

Wits Bursaries, The bursaries listed here are not administered by the University. Attorneys Fidelity Fund


LLB Study

What Are The Requirements?

  • The minimum requirement for qualification for such a bursary is a BA (Law), B Comm (Law), B Iuris or B Proc degree or a similar qualification or proof of successful completion of the first two years of the revised 4-year LLB curriculum.
  • If you are curre in your 1st semester of your second year, we can assist with a bursary for your 3rd and 4th year of study.


  • If you are currently in your 1st semester of your third year, we can assist with a bursary for your final year of study.
  • Preference will be given to applicants in serious financial need, although outstanding academic merit will be taken into consideration.
  • A bursary shall only be applied towards the tuition fees of a recipient.
  • The Fund’s Board of Control will in each case determine the amount of the bursary.
  • A bursary can be awarded for a maximum period of two years at a South African University.

Closing date: 15 August 2018

More information and application forms: Undergrad Engineering: De Beers Worley Parsons Bursary Scheme 2018

De Beers will be awarding a limited number of bursaries in 2018 and is inviting un-bonded students studying at University or Universities of Technology to apply.

Consideration will be given to 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students already enrolled in the following fields of study:


  • Mining Engineering with specialisation in Rock Engineering;
  • Mining Engineering with specialisation in Mine Ventilation;
  • Mining Engineering with specialisation in Mine Planning;
  • Mine Survey;
  • Mechanical or Electrical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Engineering Geology to specialise in Rock Engineering/Geotechnical Engineering.

More information here.North West Provincial Government

Invitation for full time bursary applications: 2019 Academic year

The Office of the Premier invites all learners and students who are South Africans and are residents of the North West Province, who desire to study or are studying on full-time basis at tertiary institutions to apply for the Provincial Bursary and Skills Development Fund bursaries available for the 2019 academic year.

For more information and applicatiom forms:

Closing date: 11 January 2019 Sugar Industry Trust Fund for Education (SITFE)

To investigate bursary opportunities offered by the Fund, visit their website at: Toptal Scholarships for Women

Toptal will award five scholarships to aspiring female leaders in five global regions: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. Each winner will receive (US)$10,000 and a year of weekly one-on-one mentoring by a Toptal expert.

For more information and to apply, go to:

Application deadlines depend on which region the applicant lives in. Application timelines are available on the scholarship website.Transnet 3rd year BSc bursaries

Transnet is looking to sponsor students doing the following studies in 2018:

  • BSc Computer Science
  • BSc Information Technology 


  • Students doing their 3rd year this year (2018)
  • Doing well academically
  • Students from rural areas and disadvantaged backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Information and application forms:

[email protected]