- 15 June 2018 (selection programmes and international applications)
- 28 September 2018 (all other applications)
Application Fees:
Step 1: Get your application form.
- Online Application:
Undergraduate and postgraduate applicants use the same online application process.
- Hardcopy Application:
This option is only available to undergraduate applicants. Postgraduates need to apply online.
You can post your application to:
Private Bag X680
Pretoria 0001
Staatsartillerie Road
Pretoria West
Step 2: Complete your application form in full.
*Remember you’ll need an email address. Don’t have one? Get an email address here.
Step 3: Attach all supporting documents.
Step 4: Apply for residence should you need student accommodation.
Step 5: Find Funding.
Check out all the available funding opportunities on EduFunding (the green button below). If you’re not sure about the differences in funding opportunities, we’ve got you covered.
View a detailed breakdown TUT’s admission requirements here.