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Village Waldorf School

Village Waldorf School education is based on and appropriate for each developmental phase of childhood and encourages the child’s sense of truth, beauty, and goodness.


Village Waldorf School Services

Art of Teaching

Playgroup and Kindergarten

Primary School

Extra Murals and Aftercare


Education and Waldorf

Village Waldorf School Admission Process

To be fully completed, with all requirements, for processing & consideration.
a) Certified copies of 2 most recent full school reports, including an end of year report;
b) Certified copies of any/all remedial &/or psychological assessments including from
younger years;
c) Certified copies child’s birth certificate, unabridged if available, or ID, & parents’
IDs/passports ;
d) A recent photograph;
e) Letter/s of motivation from parent/s;
f) Divorce consent papers, if applicable;
g) R265 non-refundable Application Fee. Refer to Fee Schedule for bank details.
h) Retain pages 1 – 8 for your information and record.
i) Any relevant non-disclosure will result in nullifying this application.


Application Process:
• Applications are pre-assessed for consideration/shortlisting for interviewing, depending on
suitable space being available or put on the waiting list for future consideration. Interviewing
is not guaranteed.
• Your child would be required to attend an interview, together with, preferably both parents.
• The child is enrolled for a 3-day trial period. During this time the teacher will observe the child
in the Waldorf classroom setting.
• Payment for costs of any further testing and/or assessment required by the school may be at
an extra cost.
• Acceptance is subject to a successful interview with the Class Teacher/Guardians, approval
by the relevant Faculty, and financial interview, which will include a consumer credit check,
certified copies of three months bank statements and ID documents are required for this
• Acceptance, with probation, conditional to your agreement to provide any extra learner
support if required, and any other conditions will be confirmed after the relevant Faculty
• Acceptance documents will be issued with a letter of acceptance, for completion and
return of all forms prior to entry.
• Non – refundable enrollment fee and advance payment of the first month’s school fees is
required prior to entry. (The enrollment fee may not be refunded in the event of your
cancellation prior to commencement).
• A transfer certificate or transfer letter and our completed Financial Clearance certificate
must be obtained from the previous school, prior to entry. Failure to comply will result in the pupil
only having a maximum 3-day visiting status, as registration is not possible without these
• Unabridged birth certificates would still be required if currently not available.
• Study permits, or proof of application, will be required prior to entry of non-South African

Village Waldorf School Contact Details

Tel012 345 3771

Email [email protected]

Postal AddressPO Box 719, Wingate Park, 0153

Physical Address48 Blue Crane Ave, Country Lane Estate, Rietvalleirand Ext. 21, Pretoria East, 0181