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UWC Values

UWC Values, the CEU will be a leading partner in the development of citizenry through equitable and sustainable collaborations, reflecting an engaged unit within UWC.


MISSION          Who we are?

The Community Engagement Unit (CEU) facilitates community engagement opportunities that enhances

and promotes the scholarship of engagement through equitable partnership and citizenry

to promote sustainable communities.


The CEU subscribes to the following core values, which are aligned with the values as expressed in the mission and vision of the university and articulated in the institutional operational plan of the university:


  •  Scholarship of engagement: A critical attitude towards shared knowledge that recognises different cultural contexts and diversity and incorporates these aspects into   community engagement teaching, theory and practice, integration and research.
  •  Partnerships: The facilitation of collaborative, reciprocal, sustainable and equitable partnerships.
  •  Critical citizenship & civic responsibility (citizenry): A relationship and interaction with local and global communities and the environment.
  •  Social justice: Commitment to acknowledging our past and confronting issues of oppression, racism and discrimination through developing sustainable partnership.
  • Equity: Recognition of the knowledge inherent within communities and accepting the unique strengths and shared responsibilities that each partner provides to   enhancing the scholarship of community engagement at UWC.
  •  Lifelong learning: Commitment to collaborative and individual learning and critical reflection.​​