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UWC Llb, The basic undergraduate qualification offered by the Faculty of Law is the Bachelor of Laws degree (LLB). At present the Faculty offers:


A four-year stream and;

A five-year stream (Foundations Programme)   

Both programmes lead to the same qualification. The LLB degree is divided into these two streams to take into account the academic differences

 amongst students.  The five year stream is structured to offer a better opportunity of success to students who may have difficulty in completing the

 LLB degree in four years, and to provide them with additional academic support.     ​  

The curriculum has been designed around the needs of the law students of today. A wide range of prescribed modules enable students to equip themselves with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in any aspect of legal practice. In the final year, a wide range of elective modules are offered to senior students who can acquire advanced knowledge and skills in aspects of the law in which they have a special interest or talent.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
What stream should you follow?
The allocation of students to the four-year or five-year stream is made on the basis of a complete assessment of the student’s academic potential for law studies.
Possible career optionsThe LLB degree offers entry to all branches of the legal profession and opens the door to any of the following professions: Attorney;   Advocate;   Prosecutor;   Magistrate; Judge; Corporate Legal Adviser; Legal Consultant; Law Lecturer and Legal Researcher.                                                                                                                  


The requirements listed below are minimum requirements.

They qualify you to apply for a place as a student in the Faculty of Law, but they do not guarantee that you will be offered a place.

The Faculty can only accommodate a limited number of students and only the applicants with the best results will therefore be offered a place.

Please note that the following requirements qualify you to apply but selection happens in descending order, from the top student down, according to National Senior Certificate and Matriculation results.  

LLB Four-year stream 
a  The National Senior Certificate for Bachelors Degree study plus a score of no less than 37 points calculated according to the university’s approved points system, as well as the following specific programme requirements:


–     Level 4 (50-59%) in English (home or first additional language)

–     Level 3 (40-49%) in another language (home or first additional language)

–     Level 4 (50-59%) in Mathematics or in Mathematical Literacy


 A qualification or level of competence which the Senate of the University has deemed to be equivalent to the requirements stipulated above. 

 LLB Five-year stream  

 a  The National Senior Certificate for Bachelors Degree study plus a score of no less than 32 points calculated according to the university’s approved points system, as well as the following specific programme requirements:

–    Level 4 (50-59%) in English (home or first additional language)

–    Level 3 (40-49%) in another language (home or first additional language)

–    Level 3 (40-49%) in Mathematics or in Mathematical Literacy


b  A qualification or level of competence which the Senate of the University has deemed to be equivalent to the requirements stipulated above. 


LLB Four-year stream a  Matriculation Exemption with a minimum of a C aggregate

ORb  A qualification or level of competence which the Senate of the University has deemed to be equivalent to the requirements stipulated above. 

LLB Five year stream

a  A Matriculation Exemption with a minimum of D aggregate or conditional exemption or an age exemption


b  A qualification or level of competence which the Senate of the University has deemed to be equivalent to the requirements stipulated above.

 Recognition of Prior Learning is an alternative admissions route into the university.

Applicants who do not have the required formal qualifications may bid for admission by writing tests of academic readiness or by completing a portfolio development course. Enquiries [email protected] ​​

UWC Points System

UWC uses a weighted system for calculating points. See pdf copy of Brochure (below) with table that indicates how points are calculated.  

Click Here to: Download Brochure.

How do I apply to the Law Fa​culty?

Online Applications

Apply online at If you have not studied at a university before, the application is for undergraduate purposes.  Remember to choose the LLB degree. Please complete ALL the required fields to ensure that your application will be processed.


UWC Contact Centre:  021 959 3900/1/2/3

Enquiries to [email protected]