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UWC Hr, We provide positive HR service experience for Applicants, Employees and Retirees and collaborate with Faculties/Departments to maintain a positive orientation to growth, change management, development, recruitment and retention of diverse and talented employees who are critical to UWC’s reputation and success.


Vision Statement

We deliver Human Resources programmes and services with such quality and expertise that enables the University to deliver excellent talent from our collaborative efforts.

​​Executive Summary (refer figure: 1).

Strategic HR management requires the implementation of people strategies, policies and plans aligned to the university’s IOP. This supports the university to achieve its objectives, by building capability and capacity in partnership with colleagues.HR follows an influencing and partnering approach in its provision of HR services to meet the needs of the workplace.

HR strives to apply technology to make information accessible and accurate; to provide knowledge and intelligence for decision making. People metrics and HR measurements form part of improvement thinking.

HR risk management addresses uncertainties and opportunities that may have a positive or negative effect on the realisation of the IOP; whilst reinforcing ethical practices.​



The University of the Western Cape, as a public entity, is governed by policies and rules that defines the agreed conditions of employment and outlines the settled courses of action and consistent processes in the management of the university. Policy provides a basis for the formulation of strategies, plans, incorporation of relevant legislation and other framework documents. UWC policies are approved by Council, recommended inter alia by the Institutional Forum, Senate, the Human Resources Committee, as well as the Senior Management Committee.

Some HR policies are grouped under these main areas: (others are available on the S: Drive for UWC staff only)

HR Specialists

 Karlene MercuurPolicy Specialist​​

VacantBusiness Analyst​
Contact Us 
Employee Relations  – Human Resources Department, 3rd Floor, Administration Building, West Wing, 021 959 9552
Executive Office – Human Resources Department, 3rd Floor, Administration Building, West Wing, 021 959 3333
Policy Specialist – Human Resources Department, 3rd Floor, Administration Building, West Wing 021 959 3467
Rewards & Payroll – Human Resources Department, 3rd Floor, Administration Building, West Wing, 021 959 3596/2144/3502
Service Centre – Human Resources Department, 3rd Floor, Administration Building, West Wing, 021 959 3551/3756/9763/9708
Staff Development – Human Resources Department, 3rd Floor, Administration Building, West Wing, 021 959 2734​