UWC Ems, The strategic orientation of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences is aligned to the strategic goals of the University as a whole.
Our vision is to produce graduates who are inspired, able to fulfil their potential and to make a meaningful contribution to the community around them.
Our mission is to engage our students in practical ways in order to ensure that you:
. develop intellectual rigour as well as social and cultural skills;
. feel safe, supported and comfortable in your surroundings;
. experience world-class teaching, delivered by passionate and energetic professionals;
. benefit from qualifications which will be recognised and respected by employers; and,
. enjoy working and studying at our Faculty.
We recognise and respect the diversity and richness of our society and, at the same time, we are mindful of the challenges and opportunities posed by an increasingly globalised world.
We seek to develop leaders who will shape our collective future – you are welcome to join us.
Kovacs UWC Student Village in partnership with the University of the Western Cape (UWC), has an established reputation for housing students, while offering a suitable nurturing space and dependable services on the grounds of the University.
The on-campus accommodation is built-for-purpose and students are surrounded by a network of like-minded peers. Students reside in a supportive, well-maintained and secure environment. Living on the campus saves time, and the expense and bother of public transport and commuting back and forth. Students quickly gain the benefit of focusing on their studies, settling into campus life and approaching activities and examinations with a reassuring rhythm.
For the on-line application, details of residence fees, room options and frequently asked questions, please visit our website www.kovacsuwc.co.za.
A separate application is required.
Contact Us:
Kovacs Application Centre
Tel: + 27 (0) 21 959 9500
Fax: + 27 (0) 86 762 6565
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.kovacsuwc.co.za
The renewal of registration is governed by Rule A.3.2.3 (Renewal of Registration), as stipulated in the University Calendar: General information Part 1, or otherwise provided in the rules for Faculty of Economic and Management Science.
The University Rule A.3.2.3 is applied to students whose academic results are unsatisfactory, whereby they may be “excluded”, and prevented from registering at University of the Western Cape in the following academic year.
Students would do well to familiarise themselves with the Promotion Rules of their degree per base year (the year the student enrolled at UWC as a student). This is of course unless the student was academically excluded before in which case the latest rules would apply.
Associate status is governed by Rule A.5.2.2 as stipulated in the University Calendar: General information Part 1. Associate status is when a student failed a module in the previous academic year, but obtained a high CAM mark. The University allows students to keep their CAM and only write the exam
Click here for information on Associate Status Application
Concurrent registration is governed by Rule A.3.1.16 (Concurrent Registrations) of the University Calendar:
(a) A student at this University shall normally not be permitted to enrol simultaneously as a student at another university or higher education institution without the permission of Senate.
(b) A student may apply to enrol at another university for one academic year for modules approved by the Faculty concerned, with a view to obtaining recognition for degree purposes, provided that (s)he:
(i) obtains prior permission of Senate; and, (ii) applies for recognition of such modules after completion thereof.
These examinations shall be granted on Medical or Compassionate grounds. Students may apply for a special examination/assessment if they believe that illness, or any other documentable special circumstance, has made it impossible for them to present themselves for a final assessment/sit-down examination. Application with relevant documentation must be made no later than five days after the final assessment/examination. To save academic labour, it should be possible for the student granted a special examination to write the same paper as the supplementary examination.
These examinations shall be granted on academic grounds, in cases where students have failed to meet the criteria for successful completion of a module, and where a student has attained a final mark between 45-49%. If, after having completed a supplementary examination, the final mark for the module is lower than the original mark, the original mark will stand. If the supplementary assessment results in a final module mark higher than the original, the higher mark will stand.
Supplementary examinations can only be granted once a module is completed and the final grade has been awarded, and will be scheduled twice a year only, namely, at the end of each semester.
Supplementary examinations consist of the rewriting of a whole examination paper and this paper should be set and submitted at the same time as the regular examination paper. The term “Supplementary” shall be used for whole examinations only and not for other assessment types.
SDEs should only be available to students who have not managed to pass through the supplementary examination route if they have obtained an overall aggregate of at least 45% for the module and their continuous assessment mark is at least 40%. Only one SDE is allowed per degree per student.
The Faculty Assessment Committee concerned may grant a condoned pass under the following provisions:
(a) Condoned passes must be granted by the Faculty Assessment Committee based on the student.s overall performance.
(b) Condoned passes shall be permitted for the purposes of graduation in one of the programmes/modules only; they should preferably only be permitted in elective modules rather than core modules.
(c) A condoned pass permits a student to gain credit for a completed module, which s/he failed where the final mark for the module is no less than 45% and a sub-minimum of 40% in the examination or final assessment has been achieved.
(d) A condoned pass may not be granted if there has already been an upward mark adjustment for the purpose of a pass in the same year.
(c) A condoned pass must be reflected as 50% on the student’s academic record, provided that an inscription will indicate that it is a condoned pass.
(e) The Senate Assessment Committee should be notified of all condoned passes granted.
For the purpose of a degree, Senate may in exceptional circumstances exempt a student from modules which he/she has successfully completed for another degree or completed as a candidate for another degree in another or the same faculty at this University or another university or institution approved for this purpose, provided that exemption shall not be granted for more than half the required number of modules for the degree.
Faculty Administration Office (Undergraduate)
Tel: 021 959 3164
Email: [email protected] (Full-time Students)
Email: [email protected] (Part-time Students)
Faculty Administration Office (Postgraduate)
Tel: 021 959 3163
Email: [email protected]
School of Business and Finance Tel: 021 959 3207/ 9531 or via Facebook page, click here
School of Government (including undergraduate Public Administration)Tel: 021 959 3169
Department of Accounting Tel: 021 959 3256/ 3011/ 3264
Department of Academic Development Tel: 021 959 3485
Department of Economics Tel: 021 959 2579/3208/3194
Department of Industrial Psychology Tel: 021 959 3184/2585
Department of Information SystemsTel: 021 959 3680/3238/3958
Department of Political Studies
Tel: 021 959 3228
Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS) Tel 021 959 3785/3727 or via website here
Institute for Social Development
Tel: 021 959 3858
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