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UWC e Learning

UWC e Learning, Computers and telecommunications are part of our everyday lives. In Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), eLearning is spreading so fast as a workable way of delivering education. Early attempts at using the web as educational application were most often referred to as ‘web based education’ (WBE), ‘web based instruction’ (WBI) or ‘web based learning’ (WBL). In some cases, the termor online learning was adopted. Today, the phenomenon is often referred to as electronic learning, or simply eLearning 


eLearning is any learning that is enhanced through access to, and use of technology that can be used to create, distribute and retrieve digital content via various modes of delivery (Desktop computers, Laptops, Mobile phones and Tablets). The Web; Personal Learning Environments (podcasts, vodcasts, screencasts, blogs, digital stories, google applications); Social Media and Learning Management Systems are eTools that enable innovative  practices. The users (lecturers and students) should be able to use these eTools effectively to enhance their teaching-and-learning processes.


Sharing our innovative teaching-and-learning practices

The CIECT team regularly blogs, providing eTeaching-and-Learning techniques, linked to actual best practices of lecturers and students at UWC. In order to view the institution’s innovative teaching-and-learning practices, visit our blog space at: CIECT blog . Join our community of practice by commenting on these active blogs and share your best practices with UWC colleagues.

The CIECT Team

An integrated team, headed by Juliet Stoltenkamp , supports academic and non-academic staff; and students at UWC. The purpose of the CIECT division is to define eLearning’s position on education within UWC and how it will support and develop teaching-and-learning activities. The implementation of eLearning firstly relates to the formal education processes of the institution and involves collaboration with faculties; and other partnerships. The CIECT team has a responsibility toward building the capacity of the lecturers and students to equip them with skills and ePedagogy techniques which enable them to enhance traditional teaching-and-learning practices. 

Contact us at: 

Tel : (021) 959 3068 

Email : [email protected]​​