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UP Youtube

UP Youtube

UP Youtube,
The Official utube channel for the University Of Pretoria is provided below. Please click the link below to access all the information provided in a video form.
UP  Youtube
Message from the Vice-Chancellor and Principal
Welcome and thank you for your interest in the University of Pretoria (UP). We are a diverse and dynamic university community comprising students from all parts of South Africa and an increasing number of international students.
As a leading research intensive university, the University of Pretoria is proud of its academic excellence and the contributions of its researchers to finding solutions to local and global challenges. If you are an independent thinker who is eager to discover and create new knowledge that will help make a difference in your community and in the world, then UP is a place where you can excel.
UP students are fondly known as Tukkies, and as a Tukkie, your academic career and future job prospects are important to us. A UP degree is sought after in the job market because employers and industry experts know that they can rely on the quality of University of Pretoria graduates. Our degrees are internationally recognised and are structured similarly to those of the world’s great universities. Each year a growing number of students who graduated from UP, having been well prepared, go on to make an impact in industry, in government and the public sector as well as in nongovernmental organisations.
The University fosters a holistic approach to education. Our academic activities are enriched by meaningful community engagement and collaboration with other institutions, government and industry and we encourage all our students to participate in at least one of the very many arts, cultural and sporting activities offered by the University.
