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UP Medical School

UP Medical School

UP Medical School,
The School of Medicine at University of Pretoria started out as the Faculty of Medicine in 1943.  The first class comprised of 57 students.  Over the years class sizes increased and departments of allied health care were added to the Faculty.  With the formation of the Faculty of Health Sciences in 1999 the School of Medicine was established as one of four Schools in the Faculty, the others being Schools of Dentistry, Health Care Sciences and Health Systems & Public Health.
The School of Medicine offers training for the following degrees:

  • MBChB
  • MMed in different specialties
  • MPharm Med
  • MPhil (Philosophy and ethics of mental health)
  • BClinical Medical Practice
  • MPhil (Pain Management)
  • Master of Early Childhood Intervention
  • BScHons
  • MSc
  • Doctor of Medicine
  • Doctor of Philosophy

Postgraduate Diplomas are also offered in Family Medicine and in General Ultrasound.
Prospective students who are looking for more information are encouraged to contact the department here.


Message from the Chairperson

Chairman of the School of Medicine    
The School of Medicine at the University of Pretoria is a vibrant and active place to be studying, and to be working.
We have both under- and post-graduate training opportunities in a vast number of degrees ranging from BSc, through MBChB and Masters to PhD’s in many programmes.
On a daily basis a large number of students roam our many campuses, including the wonderful new additions to the Prinshof Campus – the Tswelopele lecture theatre complex and administration building.
The HW Snyman complex has also seen a number of upgrades and new facilities including a Skills Lab that would rival any in the world.
Publication outputs, based on novel research in Medicine, have increased in our School and we have some really exciting research centres and departments, including Nuclear Medicine, Cellular Biology, Immunology, Cancers, Mother and Child Care Pharmacology, Infectious Diseases and Sports Sciences.
The School of Medicine has departments in basic sciences, pathology and many clinical disciplines and we interact with a number of partners including the Gauteng Department of Health and NHLS. We are meeting with external stakeholders on an almost daily basis to facilitate relationships for funding and research opportunities.
So please join me in making our School a wonderful place to train, teach and work.