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UP Banking Details

UP Banking Details

UP Banking Details,


Banking details

We only support the following methods of payment:


  • Payments at the University of Pretoria’s Client Service Centre (CSC) with cash, card or cheque.
  • Bank transfers
  • Online banking (EFT only)
  • Cheques should please be made payable to the University of Pretoria.
  • We do not support the online credit card facilities yet.


The University of Pretoria banking details:

Account number: 214 000 0038
Branch code : 33 55 45 (Hatfield)
Reference: A0X732 (a single space) followed by the learner’s initials and surname.
Example: A0X732 J Smith
NB: All references start with the same code: A0X732


NB: ABSA clients paying by EFT must follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose to pay a beneficiary. At the prompt to add a new beneficiary, choose “Link beneficiary listed by ABSA”. When asked for the institution, key in “UNIV PRETORIA MAIN”.
Step 2: This is where you will find the account number: “UNIV PRETORIA MAIN” with the institution code 0150063. Select this option.
Step 3: Fill in the required details:
Account number at UNIV PRETORIA MAIN: A0X732. (“A + Zero + “X732”)
Account holder’s name at UNIV PRETORIA MAIN: A0X732 (a single space) followed by the learner’s initials and surname, e.g A0X732 space J Smith.
Choose “send notice of payment to me” by email and send either to your email or directly to the [email protected].
Finally, add a description for your own account.
Step 4: Confirm that all the information you entered is correct, add beneficiary and complete the payment.