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Unizulu Vice Chancellor Contact Details

Unizulu Vice Chancellor Contact Details, the appointment was announced on Wednesday 30 March 2016 by Mr Cyril Gamede, the chairperson of the University Council. In a communiqué to the University community, Gamede wrote: “Professor Mtose was duly elected as Vice-Chancellor by the majority of Council members at the Council meeting on 29 March 2016. On behalf of the Council, we congratulate Professor Mtose on her appointment and wish her well with her term as Vice-Chancellor”. Before her appointment this week, Mtose had been responsible for steering the UNIZULU ship since October 2014 when she was appointed acting VC following the resignation of her predecessor.


Prof Mtose has been moving up the ranks of academia since she started her career as a lecturer at Rhodes University in 1996. She climbed up the ladder and became the Dean at the Faculty of Education at Fort Hare in 2009. In June 2013 she moved to the University of Zululand where she assumed the position of Dean of the Faculty of Education. In April 2014 she was appointed the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Learning. Prof Mtose is a well-known international scholar and also studied at the University of Harvard in the United States of America. Prof Mtose is the seventh Vice-Chancellor appointed since 1960 when the University was established and is the third black female Vice Chancellor at UNIZULU.


Prof. Xoliswa Mtose
[email protected]
035 902 6624