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Unizulu Src

Unizulu Src, this notice serves to inform all staff and students that subsequent to the dissolving of the University Representative Council due to alleged gross misconduct, the University Council has appointed an Administrator as stipulated in the SRC Constitution.


Ms Nontobeko Zulu is appointed as the SRC Administrator. She has accepted the appointment with immediate effect and with full powers, duties and functions as stipulated in the Constitution.

Issued on behalf of University of Zululand Management.

Media queries contact person:

Ms. Gcina Nhleko-Mdluli – APR
Director: Communications & Marketing
[email protected]



The University of Zululand Council took a resolution today to dissolve the Student Representative Council (SRC) due to misconduct. They were found not fit to stand office and to be student leaders when 12 of the 15 were implicated in serious misconduct. An administrator will be appointed from the 3 SRC members who were not implicated in committing the misconduct. Consultations will be made with the appointed amongst the three and the announcement will be communicated to all students once the process is finalised.

The University is prioritising this matter and we appeal to all students to allow the process to follow due course.

Issued on behalf of University of Zululand Management.

Media queries contact person:

Ms. Gcina Nhleko-Mdluli – APR

Director: Communications & Marketing

[email protected]