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Unizulu Human Resources

Unizulu Human Resources, Welcome to the Web Page of the Human Resources Division at the University of Zululand (UNIZULU). We trust you will find our new web site informative, easily accessible and user friendly. The Human Resources Division is established to support the university’s strategic goals, one of which is to enhance the quality and profile of UNIZULU graduates, relevant for the human capital needs of our country.


One of our key roles as the division, is to attract and retain appropriately qualified staff and to grow our own capacity to positively contribute to the rich and diverse UNIZULU culture.

An array of services and information on employment opportunities, benefits, policies and procedures applied at UNIZULU are provided to the university community on these pages to facilitate a pleasant and fruitful employment experience. Please take a moment to explore our web-site to learn more about the latest in our HR environment and offerings for professional and personal growth.

Economics and Human Resources Management

Purpose Statement

The aim of this programme is to prepare graduates with the basic knowledge and skills required for students who enter the field of economics or business with the necessary knowledge and skills to create intellectual property, to produce knowledge products and to create value for their employers at production, research, innovation and managerial platforms.
This programme is a generic Bachelor of Commerce as it focuses on four core disciplines, namely accountancy, economics, business management and human resource management allowing students to graduate with an option of proceeding to higher degrees in one of two core commerce knowledge fields.
The Department of Economics, Zululand strive to be a dynamic and future orientated educator in the field of Economics and Econometrics, focusing on quality and industry related education, training and research.  We value our students and are committed to providing service excellence in a social responsible manner.

Our objectives are to provide:
– quality and skilled students able to apply learnt knowledge in any specialised field of economics;- professional economists to the labour market;- graduates with the necessary skills to be responsible managers and decision -makers;- graduates who were exposed to the most recent developments in economic theory combined with practical application; and- outstanding academic and industry related research.Bachelor of Commerce combination of majors There are 10 combination of majors/electives to choose from within the Bachelor of Commerce, i.e.;  • Business Management & Accounting • Business Management & Economics  • Banking & Business Management• Business Management & Human Rrsources Management • Accounting & Economics • Economics  &  Banking• Economics  &  Human Resourcse Management • Economics  &  Insurance • Accounting  & Insurance• Business Management  &  Insurance

Employment opportunities citing typical employers

The Bachelor of Commerce focuses on the factors that drive economic behaviour at both an individual and organisational level. The course will equip the graduates with the analytical, communication and problem-solving skills to effectively identify issues, source information and find efficient and practical solutions. The course has been tailored in consultation with representatives from leading organisations, ensuring graduate with an industry-relevant degree.

Entrepreneurial opportunities

Self – employment opportunities can be explored within the smme industry.

Vertical articulation for further / higher degree studies where applicable

The programme is designed to be sufficient for students who wish to proceed to honours, masters and doctoral degrees, and in this way obtain the kind of depth that will make them attractive as professional and knowledge workers as economists or economic researchers in public and private sector entities, and as academics at the universities.

Horizontal articulation with other qualifications where applicable

The programme is well positioned to articulate horizontally to other economic and business qualifications in South Africa. It articulates horizontally with further education sector teacher education programmes, which is amongst the fastest employing sectors in the country especially given that economics is positioned as a scarce skill teaching subject.

Head of Department – Economics

Prof L Greyling, BCom (Economics), BCom Hons (Economics), MCom (Economics), DCom (Economics)
Email: [email protected].
Tel: 035-902-6590

Acting Head of Department – Business Management
MF Magigaba, B.A., BAHons, MBA (JSU, USA)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 035 902 6121

Faculty:Commerce, Administration and Law
Degree:Bachelor of Commerce
Majors:Economics and Human Resources Management
NQF EXIT Level:7
Admission Requirements:1. NSC with degree endorsement OR Matric Exemption and an achievement rating of 28 points
2. English level 4 and Mathematics level 4
3. English level SG level D or HG level E and Mathematics level SG level D or HG level E
Minimum Credits for Admission:28 Points
Minimum duration of studies:3 Years
Presentation mode of modules:Day Classes
Intake for the qualification:January
Registration Cycle for the modules:January
Total credits to Graduate:360

Year 1

Module CodeModule NameCreditsNQF LevelPrerequisitesCo-Requisites
CACC101Accounting 1A155CACC102
CECN101Principles of Microeconomic s155CECN102
CBMG101Business Management 1A155CBMG102
CBIS101Business Information Systems 1A155CBIS102
CACC102Accounting 1B155CACC101
CECN102Principles of Macroeconomi cs155CECN101
CBMG102Business Management 1B155CBMG101
CBIS102Business Information Systems 1B155CBIS101
Total Credits: Year 1120

Year 2

Module CodeModule NameCreditsNQF LevelPrerequisitesCo-Requisites
SSTT121Mathematics and Statistics for Commerce Students156SSTT122
CLAW101Commercial Law A156CLAW102
CECN201Intermediate Micro-Economics156CECN101CECN202
CHRM201Foundations and Challenges of Human Resource Management156CHRM202
CECN202Intermediate Macro- Economics156 CECN102CECN201
CHRM202Labour Law Relations in SA156CHRM201
SSTT122Elementary Statistics for Commerce Students156SSTT122
CLAW102Commercial Law B156CLAW102
Total Credits: Year 2120

Year 3

Module CodeModule NameCreditsNQF LevelPrerequisitesCo-Requisites
CBMG301Theory and Practice of Human Resource Management157CHRM201CHRM302
Compensation Management
Organisational Behaviour
CECN311Labour and International Economics157CECN201CECN312
CECN301Public and Monetary Economics15 7CECN201CECN302
CHRM302Training and Development Management157CHRM202CHRM301
South African and International Trends in HRM
Organisational Development
CECN312Economic Research and Econometrics157CECN202CECN311
CECN302Development Economics157CECN202CECN301
Total Credits: Year 3120


Business Management & Human Resources Management

Faculty:Commerce, Administration and Law
Department:Business Management
Degree:Bachelor of Commerce
Majors:Business Management & Human Resources Management
NQF EXIT Level:7
Admission Requirements:1. NSC with degree endorsement OR Matric Exemption and an achievement rating of 28 points
2. English level 4 and Mathematics level 4
3. English level SG level D or HG level E and Mathematics level SG level D or HG level E
Minimum Credits for Admission:28 Points
Minimum duration of studies:3 Years
Presentation mode of modules:Day Classes
Intake for the qualification:January
Registration Cycle for the modules:January
Total credits to Graduate:360

Year 1

Module CodeModule NameCreditsNQF LevelPrerequisitesCo-Requisites
CACC101Accounting 1A155CACC102
CECN101Principles of Microeconomic s155CECN102
CBMG101Business Management 1A155CBMG102
CBIS101Business Information Systems 1A155CBIS102
CACC102Accounting 1B155CACC101
CECN102Principles of Macroeconomi cs155CECN101
CBMG102Business Management 1B155CBMG101
CBIS102Business Information Systems 1B155CBIS101
Total Credits: Year 1120

Year 2

Module CodeModule NameCreditsNQF LevelPrerequisitesCo-Requisites
SSTT121Mathematics and Statistics for Commerce Students156SSTT122
CLAW101Commercial Law A156CLAW102
CHRM201Foundations and Challenges of Human Resource Management156CHRM202
CBMG201Marketing Management156CBMG101CBMG202
CHRM202Labour Law Relations in SA156CHRM201
CBMG202Financial Management156 CBMG102CBMG201
SSTT122Elementary Statistics for Commerce Students156SSTT122
CLAW102Commercial Law B156CLAW102
Total Credits: Year 2120

Year 3

Module CodeModule NameCreditsNQF LevelPrerequisitesCo-Requisites
CBMG301Business Management 3157CBMG201CBMG302
CBMG311Strategic Marketing157 CBMG201CBMG312
CHRM301Theory and Practice of Human Resource Management157 CHRM201CHRM302
Compensation Management
Organisational Behaviour
15 7CHRM312
CHRM302Training and Development Management157CHRM202CHRM301
South African and International Trends in HRM
Organisational Development
CBMG312Strategic Management 3157 CBMG202CBMG311
Total Credits: Year 3120

Public Administration & Human Resource Management

FACULTYCommerce, Administration and Law
DEPARTMENT:Public Administration
DegreeBachelor of Administration
MAJORSPublic AdministrationHuman Resources
Admission RequirementsNSC with degree endorsement OR Matric Exemption and an achievement rating of 28 pointsEnglish level 4 and Mathematical Literacy level 4 or Mathematics level 3English SG level D or HG level E and Mathematics SG level D or HG level E
Minimum Credits for Admission28 Points
Minimum duration of studies3 Years
Presentation mode of modules:Day Classes
Intake for the qualification:January
Registration Cycle for the modules:January
Total credits to Graduate:390
Module CodeModule NameCreditsNQF LevelPrerequisitesCo-Requisites
Year 1
Semester 1
CPAD101Introduction to Public Administration155CPAD102
APOL111Introduction to Political Science155APOL112
 CECN101Principles of Microeconomics155 CECN102
CBMG101Business Management 1A155CBMG102
CBIS101Business Info Systems 1A155
Semester 2
CPAD102Introduction to Public Management155CPAD101
APOL112South African Politics155APOL111
 CECN102Principles of Macroeconomics155 CECN102
CBMG102Business Management 1B155CBMG101
CBIS102Business Info Systems 1B155
Total credits: Year 1150
Year 2
Semester 1
CPAD201Basic Personnel Administration156CPAD101CPAD202
CPLG201Municipal Structure and Administration156CPLG202
LADM101Administrative Law for Public Administration156
CHRM201Foundations and Challenges of Human Resource Management156CHRM202
Semester 2
CPAD202Introduction to Public Finance Management156CPAD101CPAD201
CPLG202Municipal Finance and Management156CPLG201
LRCL202Constitutional Law B156
CHRM202Labour Law Relations in South Africa156CHRM201
Total credits for level 2120
Year 3
Semester 1
CPAD301Public Policy Analysis157CPAD201CPAD302
CPLG311Municipal Governance157CPLG201CPLG304
CPAD303Research Methodology157 CPAD312
CHRM301Theory and Practice of Human Resources157CHRM201CHRM302
Semester 2
CPAD302Issues in Public Service Delivery157CPAD202CPAD301
CPLG312Municipal Finance157CPLG202CPLG311
 CPAD304Research Paper157CPAD303
CHRM302Training and Development Management157CHRM202CHRM301
Total credits: Year 3120

Mr RT Ngcobo
Executive Director – Human Resources
Tel: 035 902 6401
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 035 902 6394

Mr K Msomi
Manager: Human Resource Generalist
Tel: 035 902 6603
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 035 902 6394

Ms BG Mkhwanazi
Executive Secretary: Office of the Executive Director
Tel: 035 902 6401
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 035 902 6394

Mr T Lebakeng
Manager: Employee Relations and Wellness
Tel: 035 902 6403
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 035 902 6394

Mrs L Kleinbooi
Manager: Organisational Development and Transformation
Tel: 035 902 6964
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 035 902 6394

Mrs C Ngxito
Manager: Remuneration and Benefits
Tel: 035 902 6409
Email: [email protected]

Fax: 035 902 6394

Mr E Ferreira
Project Manager: E-Recruitment Project
Tel: 035 902 6447
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 035 902 6394