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University Of Witwatersrand Gemp

University Of Witwatersrand Gemp, South Africa has a critical need for well-trained, knowledgeable medical professionals who are able to provide health care services often with very limited resources. To honour our commitment to improving the lives of our fellow citizens and to address current shortage of well-educated and highly skilled doctors, the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg Faculty of Health Sciences has established the Graduate Entry Medical Programme (GEMP) to increase the number of medical graduates. The GEMP allows entry of suitably qualified candidates who meet certain minimum requirements into the third year of the MBBCh degree. This gives these candidates the opportunity to complete their undergraduate medical studies in a period of only four years after which they enter their internship and government mandated community service period.
What are the minimum requirements for consideration?

  1. A completed undergraduate university degree at a minimum of Bachelor’s or Bachelor of Technology degree level with an average of at least 60% over the final two completed years of study. National Diplomas, Technical Diplomas, Certificates and similar qualifications cannot be considered for entry. We also accept applications from candidates who are in their final year of study towards their current university degree.
  2. Sciences Requirements: (ALL of the following are compulsory)
    1. 50% for first year university degree level Biology (Full course). Equivalent courses such as Anatomy, Physiology, Zoology, Life Sciences and similar courses will also be considered.
    2. 50% for first year university degree level Physics (Half Course).
    3. 50% for first year university degree level Chemistry (Half Course).
    4. The above three subjects MUST be completed at first-year of a university Bachelor’s degree or higher. Diploma or certificate studies will not be considered.
  3. Mathematics Requirement: (One of the following possibilities)
    1. 60% for Matric Mathematics (National Senior Certificate (NSC) – 2008 to present) or 
    2. Pass on Higher Grade or 60% on Standard Grade for Matric Mathematics (Pre-2008) or
    3. 50% for a full-course Mathematics at first year university degree level.
    4. International applicants:
      1. Please see this document for the acceptable qualifications and requirements.
  4. Language Requirement:  (One of the following possibilities)
    1. 60% for Matric English Home Language or First Additional Language (National Senior Certificate (NSC) – 2008 to present) or
    2. Pass on Higher Grade or 60% on Standard Grade for Matric English First or Second Language (Pre-2008) or
    3. 50% for a full-course English at first year university degree level.
    4. International applicants:
      1. Score of at least 7 for the IELTS test (International English Language Test Systemor
      2. A pass in English Language at the GCSE/GCE/IGSCE Ordinary level (or equivalent examination) or
      3. Pass in English in a school-leaving examination equivalent to the South African National Senior Certificate or
      4. If the tertiary studies were at an English-medium institution, a letter from that institution stating that instruction and examinations were conducted in English must be provided.
  5. Applicants who are only applying for the GEMP in the Faculty of Health Sciences do not have to write the National Benchmark Test. If an applicant is also applying for a different degree in the Faculty (example Pharmacy or Physiotherapy), they have to write the NBT, but the NBT results will not be used in the consideration for the GEMP application.

I don’t have Biology, Physics and/or Chemistry at University level. What can I do?

Applicants can study these courses for non-degree purposes through most South African Universities. Please see GEMP Part-time Courses for information about courses offered through Wits Plus.
PLEASE NOTE:The results obtained in these courses will NOT be used in the calculation of an applicant’s Composite Index as these courses form part of the minimum requirements for admission to the programme. Applicants who are busy studying these courses MUST submit the proof of registration for these courses at the time of application and then provide the final results by no later than 15 December 2017.

How do I apply for the Graduate Entry Medical Programme?

  1. Applications for the 2019 intake of students opened on 1 March 2018.
  2. The deadline for applications is on the 30thof June 2018 and no late applications will be considered.
  3. IMPORTANT: Although you will have already completed an undergraduate degree (or you are in the process of completing one), this application to the Graduate Entry Medical Programme is NOT a post-graduate application. The MBBCh degree is an undergraduate qualification.
  4. On all methods of application please ensure that you are applying for the THIRD year of study for the MBBCh degree. The degree code is MFA00, YOS3
  5. You can apply online at
  6. You may also apply in person at the Student Enrolment Centre, Senate House, Wits East Campus, Braamfontein.
  7. You may download an application form from the same website or contact the Student Enrolment Centre (details at the bottom of this page) to send you a paper form.
  8. Documents required for your application
    1. Completed application form.
    2. Certified copy of your degree certificate if you have already completed your studies.
    3. Certified copy of your academic transcript.
    4. Certified copy of your matric certificate or final school leaving certificate.
    5. Proof of registration if you are currently studying the Minimum Requirement courses (Physics, Chemistry and/or Biology)
    6. Proof of payment of the Application Fee.

I am a foreign applicant – What process should I follow?

  1. All the regular minimum requirements are also applicable to non-South African applicants.
  2. All foreign applicants must contact the Wits International Office to enquire about additional requirements that may apply to them. This includes asylum seekers, refugees and all applicants who are not South African citizens.
  3. The Wits International Office will advise on the accreditation of foreign qualifications as well as issues around study permits and accommodation.
  4. International applicants who obtained their university degrees in a language other than English will have to provide proof of English proficiency. This can be done by submitting the results from writing the IELTS test ( where  a minimum score of 8 is required for all components of the test.
  5. Candidates who have previously studied in English must provide a letter from that institution as proof that the language of instruction and examination was English.
  6. Contact details for the Wits International Office:
    1. Website:
    2. E-mail: [email protected].
    3. Telephone: +27-11-717-1054.

What is the Wits Additional Placement Test (WAPT)?

The WAPT is an entrance test for the GEMP that is written only once per year and the test is only open to invited candidates. Candidates prepare for this test purely by self-study. The subjects covered in the WAPT are related to the courses covered by MBBCh students in their second year of study and the knowledge is essential for future success in the degree. The Faculty recommends that all applicants start to prepare for the test once their application is submitted to enable them to perform well in the test.

  1. The WAPT is scheduled for 14 September 2018. Arrangements on venues and times will be communicated to the invited candidates.
  2. For the 2018 test, all candidates who meet the minimum entry criteria as listed above will be invited to write the WAPT.
  3. Candidates who have written the WAPT in 2016 and/or 2017 and who passed all three components of the test do not have to rewrite the WAPT. If the candidate did not pass any component of the WAPT the entire test must be rewritten.
  4. Candidates who have written the test in 2016 and/or 2017 may contact the Senior Faculty Officer (see contact information below) to enquire about their WAPT results and whether they are exempted from rewriting the WAPT.
  5. If the test was last written in 2015 or earlier the test must be rewritten.
  6. There is an administrative fee of R100 levied in order to write the WAPT. Payment information will be on the formal invitation letters sent to the invited candidates.

IMPORTANT: The WAPT is a Pass/Fail test only. The results of the test are NOT calculated into the calculated admissions score (Composite Index).


What is covered in the WAPT?

  1. The test covers three main fields of study: Human Anatomy, Human Physiology and Molecular Medicine.
  2. The learning objectives for the 2018 test are listed below (Updated 15 March 2018). Please click on each topic to open the documents.
    1. WAPT – Human Anatomy
    2. WAPT – Human Physiology
    3. WAPT – Molecular Medicine
  3. The textbooks listed in the objectives can be bought from any academic bookstore. The primary textbooks for all three fields of the WAPT are:
    1. Marieb EN, Hoehn K – Human Anatomy & Physiology (10th edition) – San Francisco, Pearson/ Benjamin Cummings
      • The 9th edition will also provide the information you need.
    2. Marieb EN (2015) – Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology (11th edition) – San Francisco, Pearson/ Benjamin Cummings
      • The 10th edition will also provide the information you need.
      • The 12th edition was recently published and has not yet been reveiwed for the purposes of the WAPT.
    3. The learning objectives in 2(i), (ii) and (iii) above may also contain further reading resource material.
  4. No previous test papers are available to candidates. Examples of the questions can be found here – WAPT – Sample Questions

When and where is the WAPT written?

  1. The 2018 test has been  scheduled for 14 September 2018. The exact arrangements (Times & venue) will be included in the formal invitation sent to all invited candidates. Candidates are advised to arrive at least 1 hour before their scheduled test time for registrations purposes.
  2. No other test dates or venues are available and if a candidate cannot attend the test, their invitation will be deemed as rejected and their application status will be changed to unsuccessful.
  3. No uninvited candidates will be allowed to enter the test venue. No discussion around invitation or non-invitation will be entered into under any circumstances.
  4. Due to limited parking spaces we advise candidates to use either public transport, lifts or ride-sharing services (eg Uber). There is a Reya Via bus stop directly outside the Wits Campus.

What happens after the WAPT?

In order to qualify for entry into the GEMP a candidate has to pass the three components of the WAPT separately. All candidates who fail one or more components of the WAPT will be notified that their applications are unsuccessful and that they will no longer be considered. The Faculty will not enter into any disputes and we will not entertain any requests for re-marks or to see the test papers. This decision is final and not open for any reconsideration under any circumstances.
The remaining candidates will be placed on a waiting list until such time that the candidates that are still completing their studies have had the opportunity to submit their final academic transcripts (before 15 December). Once this deadline has passed and the actual number of available places has been determined all applications will be ranked according to the Composite Index score and the top-rated applicants will be offered a place in the programme, while the other applications will be classified as unsuccessful.

Financial matters

  1. To enquire about the tuition and related fees, please contact the Wits Fees Office.
    1. Telephone: 011-717-1533/4/5/6
    2. Website:
    3. E-mail: [email protected]
  2. Fees Quotation Forms
    1. GEMP Fees Quote Form – RSA student
    2. GEMP – Fees Quote – International Student
  3. Course codes you will need for the Fees Office:
    1. SCMD3000 – Integrated Basic Medical and Human Sciences A
    2. FAHS1898 – First Aid*
    3. FAHS1997 – Computer Literacy*
  4. * First Aid and Computer Literacy
    It is a requirement that all undergraduate students admitted into the Faculty of Health Sciences have to complete a Level 1 First Aid course as well as a basic Computer Literacy course. Students who are already in possession of certificate(s) of completion of such courses may present the certificate(s) to the Faculty Office to apply for exemption from this requirement.
  5. Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) registration
    It is compulsory for all students registering for the MBBCh degree to be registered as a Medical Student with the HPCSA. Students complete an application form at the time of registration and the University will submit the forms to the HPCSA. The HPCSA registration and payment process will be explained in detail in the firm offer letters.
  6. To enquire about opportunities for financial aid or scholarships, you can contact the Wits Financial Aid and Scholarships Office.
    1.  Telephone: 011-717-1070/87
    2.  Website:
    3.  E-mail: [email protected]


  1. The number of available places in the Graduate Entry Medical Programme is severely limited and at no stage of the application process can or will any guarantee of entry be made by any person or department. Places are limited by the number of students proceeding from MBBCh 2 into MBBCh 3 (also called GEMP 1) as well as by the number of students who are repeating the GEMP 1 year. As a result of this there is no fixed number of students accepted into the GEMP every year.
  2. Applicants who are invited to write the WAPT are in no way guaranteed a place in the programme. Furthermore, not all applicants who pass the WAPT are guaranteed a place in the programme.
  3. The WAPT dates and times may change closer to the time but the final arrangements will be communicated to all invited candidates. The deadline for notifying candidates about their invitation to the WAPT may also change at very short notice. The Faculty will send the invitations to the e-mail address and the mobile telephone number submitted by the candidate on their application and we will not take responsibility for the non-receipt of the invitations by candidates. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that their correct up-to-date contact details are available to the University.
  4. Candidates may be rejected based on their Composite index scores even while they are still studying the minimum requirement subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) as the results of these courses are not used in the Composite Index calculation. Also, candidates who fail these minimum requirement courses will be rejected even if their Composite Index is acceptable and they have written and passed the WAPT, as they will then not have met the minimum requirements for entry into the programme.
  5. The WAPT test is subjected to internationally accepted standard-setting procedures and therefore no requests for re-marks or reviewing of scripts will be considered.
  6. The Faculty of Health Sciences reserves the right to request additional information from students and/or institutions regarding courses completed for the minimum requirements (Biology, Physics & Chemistry) to ensure that these courses are sufficient.


  1. For further enquiries:
    1. Telephone: 011-717-1888 (Student Call Centre)
    2. Website:
    3. Online query logging:
    4. Physical: Student Enrolment Centre, Ground Floor, Senate House, Wits East Campus, Braamfontein
    5. Mail: Private Bag X4, Wits, 2050
  2. Wits Faculty of Health Sciences
    1. Senior Faculty Officer: Ms Tabea Lephuthing
    2. Telephone: 011-717-2029
    3. E-mail: [email protected]
    4. Physical: Office 228, Second Floor, Phillip V Tobias Health Sciences Building, 29 Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown