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University Of Western Cape Bcom Accounting

University Of Western Cape Bcom Accounting, The Department of Accounting, which forms part of the Economic and Management Sciences  Faculty,  offers  the  BCom  (Accounting)  and  Post  Graduate  Diploma  in  Accounting  (PGDA)  degrees for the  study to  become  a  chartered  accountant.  The Department of Accounting also offers BCom  (Financial Accounting) which is for the  study of example, professional accountant or tax practitioner.


The  BCom  (Accounting)  degree,  combined  with  the  Post  Graduate  Diploma  in  Accounting  (PGDA),  are  accredited  by  the  South  African  Institute  of  Chartered  Accountants (SAICA) to prepare candidates for Initial Test of Competency (ITC).The BCom  (Financial Accounting)  degree  is  aligned  with the  curriculum  prescribed by  the  South  African  Institute  for  Professional  Accountants  (SAIPA)  and  in  the process of being accredited.  


The  Department’s  staff  numbers  increased  significantly  in  the  last  few  years,  and it  now  has  22  academic  staff  members  and  4  support  staff  members.  Recent appointments  like  Prof.  Walter  Geach,  Prof.  Carol  Cairney  and  Mr.  Andre  Hamel strengthen the Department’s efforts to become a center of excellence in accounting education.Research in the Department includes a focus on accounting education in the modern teaching  environment,  financial  accounting,  tax  and  auditing.    Community  projects include a winter school for Mathematics and Accounting education.​​​