University Of The Witwatersrand Salary Scales, In response to queries about the 2016 salary agreement, we have complied a detailed breakdown which is shown in the table below. The purpose here is to clarify and adjust calculations that we made based on new information.
The agreement reached was that all new appointees for 2016 would be placed 0.945 compa-ratio of the adjusted salary scales (which have increased by 5% from those of 2015). This is an upward movement of 0.05% towards the midpoint of the higher education system wide salary scales. The minimum salary for new appointees (or for staff newly promoted) for each of the academic grades is shown in column A in the table. This is the new minimum.
All academics currently appointed will receive an increase of 6% of their 2015 salary with additional incentive amounts for service (0.2%) and teaching (0.4%) i.e. 6 % + 0.2 % (for service and administration) + 0.4% (for teaching) i.e. a total of 6.6%. This amount that this translates into for each of the grades is shown in column B in the table.
For those academics who have published an average of one paper a year over the past three years will receive an additional 0.4% that will bring their total increase to 7% of their current salaries. Details of salaries for academics who will receive 7% are shown in column C in the table.
Grade | Title | A 0.945 of new salary scale (minimum salary at each level for new appointees or new promotions to the position) |
B 6.6 % increase for all staff who have contributed to teaching and service |
C 7 % increase to all staff who have contributed to research in addition to teaching and service |
5 |
Professor |
1 017 801 |
1 027 843 |
1 031 699 |
6 |
Associate Professor |
826 921 |
835 080 |
838 213 |
7 |
Senior Lecturer |
677 806 |
684 494 |
687 062 |
8 |
Lecturer |
546 621 |
552 014 |
554 086 |
9 |
Associate Lecturer |
440 817 |
445 166 |
446 836 |