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University Of The Witwatersrand Institutional Repository

University Of The Witwatersrand Institutional Repository, This Guide provides information and resources about institutional repositories and Wits Institutional Repository on DSpace (WIREDSPACE). It provides guidelines on depositing in and accessing material from WIREDSPACE, as well as OA and OER Resources.


What is WIReDSpace?

WIReDSpace (Wits Institutional Repository on DSpace)  is a digital repository or institutional repository, showcasing the research and intellectual output of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.  It provides full-text open access to research papers, articles, conference presentations, multimedia, theses and dissertations, and a host of other works produced by Wits staff, researchers and postgraduate students.


WIReDSpace is an important management and dissemination tool that facilitates global access to and dissemination of Wits’ scholarly output.  It also provides ongoing maintenance and preservation of the institution’s research legacy. This is a university initiative, which is managed by the Library.

WIReDSpace is compliant with the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) and is registered in the Directory of Open Access Repositories (OPENDOAR) and the Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR).