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University Of The Witwatersrand Fees Office

University Of The Witwatersrand Fees Office, New and returning South African residents, SA permanent residence permit holders and refugee permit holders, are required to make a first payment of R9340 on their fees account prior to registration at the University.


Is the payment refundable?
The first fee payment is not refundable if you subsequently cancel your registration

Is everyone required to make the first payment?
The following students do not have to pay the first fee payment:


Please ensure you have received confirmation from NSFAS that you have been awarded NSFAS funding, or check at to confirm.


If you have been awarded a scholarship, you do not have to pay the first fee payment. The University Entrance Scholarships are awarded on the basis of NSC matric results to current matric applicants.


If you are being funded by a donor or external bursary please ensure that you have contacted the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office to make sure that your donor has made arrangements to pay your fees.


Students also have the option to waive the first fee payment by logging into the Self-Service portal and clicking on the “First Fee Payment” tab. After completion of the necessary information the first fee payment will be waived and the student may proceed with on-line registration. Please note, 100% of the total tuition fee must be paid on or before the last working day in March.

Accessing your fee account and full payment of fees

Once you have registered, a fees account is generated on self-service at

The University may alter the payment schedules in keeping with normal accounting practices. Applicants should know, however, that at present fees are due as follows

  • 100% of the total tuition fee must be paid on or before the last working day in March.
  • Provision is made for the monthly payment of fees – interest is charged on the balance owing.
  • International students who are offered a place must pay 75% of their fees in full before registration, and the remaining 25% by no later than the 31st of March 2018.