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University Of Pretoria Water Institute

University Of Pretoria Water Institute

University Of Pretoria Water Institute, Welcome to the Water Institute of the University of Pretoria (UP). UP is recognised internationally for its quality research and education in water, which have culminated in the establishment of a Water Institute.
The Water Institute’s first priority is to sustain a strong internal network through good communication of academic staff, with their support structures, from all UP Faculties who are involved in water research and education. In other words, the Water Institute strives to be the face of Water at UP. With this as basis, the Water Institute is in a strong position to constructively contribute, through its structures and external networks, in finding solutions to Africa’s water challenges.


 Adding value through growth in excellence

As a primary goal the Water Institute strives to support and promote existing water research and education at UP with the objective to add value to these activities in order to ensure growth in excellence. In addition, the Water Institute will encourage the development of promising new water research and education initiatives within the knowledge frame of UP. By doing so, the Water Institute supports the UP 2026 vision.