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University Of Pretoria Mechanical Engineering

University Of Pretoria Mechanical Engineering

University Of Pretoria Mechanical Engineering, Technological innovation and its management and application are essential for the creation of prosperity in any country. The Engineering School of the University of Pretoria gives students the education to make a considerable contribution in this field.
Our Engineering School is one of the largest of its kind in the country and has various fields of specialisation in a variety of departments, like industrial & systems engineering, chemical engineering, electrical, electronic & computer engineering, mechanical & aeronautical engineering, material science & metallurgical engineering, mining engineering and civil engineering. We have strong ties with industry. One of the benefits for our students is the high esteem in which our graduates are held, both nationally and internationally.


The Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology at the University of Pretoria is a leading and dynamic faculty that is one of the foremost providers of high-level intellectual capital and research in the country. The Faculty is renowned for its unique approach to innovation, its international status and links with industry.
The Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering is one of 14 departments in the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology, and is the largest Department of Mechanical Engineering in South Africa. Its graduate and postgraduate students are trained to become top quality engineers, owing to the Department’s internationally accepted programmes.
Its excellent staff, comprising of 24 world class academic staff members, and 17 most capable members of the support staff, and facilities that include sophisticated experimental and computer laboratories have enabled the Department to establish various internationally renowned centres of excellence. Facilities include the following:

  • A unique laboratory for structural mechanics, which is one of a very small number worldwide
  • A superbly equipped vibration and controls laboratory
  • Various wind tunnels and engine test facilities
  • An excellent heat transfer laboratory
  • Excellent workshops.