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University Of Pretoria Juniortukkie Application

University Of Pretoria Juniortukkie Application

University Of Pretoria Juniortukkie Application, On the JuniorTukkie APP you will receive relevant information on a consistent basis that will help you to make informed study and career choices. We communicate with everyone in the moment. The user-friendly information structure makes it easy for you to find the information you’re looking for. You will receive information in different content formats and you’ll be able to download additional information or watch a video that is relevant to the specific article.  The live streaming of events makes it possible for those who aren’t able to attend events due to geographical location or limited venue space, to also receive first-hand information via the JT APP.
Regular notifications are sent via the JT APP to assist prospective students with their study and career choices and with their transition from high school to university. The JT APP is available on Android and iOS cell phones and tablets.


► Download instructions
► Information structure
► Functionalities
► QR Code
► Enquiries