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University Of Pretoria International Relations

University Of Pretoria International Relations

University Of Pretoria International Relations, The University of Pretoria is a cosmopolitan modern day university that is located in the beautiful capital city of South Africa, Pretoria. The city is also fondly known as the Jacaranda City due to the jacaranda trees that adorn the streets of Pretoria. Pretoria is home to a number of research and technology centres, national government departments and about 115 embassies and consulates.

The Webometrics Ranking of World Higher Education ranked the University of Pretoria as the fourth best university in the whole of Africa.
Despite all these positive international accolades, the University of Pretoria remains steadfast to becoming even more competitive at home and internationally. This is well articulated in the 2007-2011 Strategic Plan which pronounces that the vision of the University of Pretoria is to strive to be (amongst others):
  • a leader in higher education that is recognized internationally for academic excellence and a focus on quality
  • a university that is known for international competitiveness and local relevance through continuous innovation; ….
The mission of the University of Pretoria further affirms that the university will strive to be an internationally recognised South African teaching and research university and a member of the international community of scholarly institutions. The cross-cutting message being transcended in the strategic plan was succinctly expressed by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Calie Pistorius, in January 2008 that it is not business as usual as the University of Pretoria will have to aggressively seek progressive international partners to collaborate with in order to continuously achieve international excellence in the core business of the university (academic excellence, developmental and transformative research as well as community engagement).
The Department of Corporate International Relations and university stakeholders will thus strive to forge productive international partnerships with well recognised international academic partners; research and development oriented international organisations; as well as the private sector partners that support our core business. The University of Pretoria has a resolution to have staff and students who are “World-Wise”.
The University of Pretoria thus warmly welcomes our international friends and collaborators to this beautiful campus and warm South Africa’s capital.

Programme information

The purpose of this package is to provide qualifiers with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of contemporary world politics and related changes in the international system. This will enable learners, once they are employed in the public or private sector, to respond in an innovative and proactive manner to the problems and challenges of globalisation.

Admission requirements

  • The following persons will be considered for admission: a candidate who is in possession of a certificate that is deemed by the University to be equivalent to the required Grade 12 certificate with university endorsement; a candidate who is a graduate from another tertiary institution or has been granted the status of a graduate of such an institution; and a candidate who is a graduate of another faculty at the University of Pretoria.
  • Life Orientation is excluded when calculating the APS.
  • This programme is only offered in English. Students cannot be admitted to a BCom degree via a BAdmin if they do not comply with the admission requirements for a BCom degree.
Minimum requirements
Achievement evel APS
Afrikaans or English Mathematics
5 3 C C Mathematics 4
Literacy 4
3 D D 28


Other programme-specific information

Only two 14-week modules, or the equivalent thereof, that are not preceded by the 100- and 200-level modules, may be taken for degree purposes. In other words, at least four 14-week modules must be taken at 300-level that are preceded by the 100- and 200-level except for the modules offered at 200- and 300-level only.
At each year level a minimum of four quarter or two semester modules of the electives should be from the same subject. As the credits per module may differ from faculty to faculty, the total credits for the required number of elective modules could exceed the indicated values.
Note: See the alphabetical list of modules for prerequisites of all modules.


  1. STL and IPL have no modules at year-level 1, but follow on PTO 111 and PTO 120.
  2. A maximum of 24 credits may be taken.
  3. Language modules with a maximum value of 64 credits may be taken up to year-level 2 from the following:
  • A European language (from English, German, French, Spanish) at UP or
  • An international language from Arabic, Mandarin or Russian at Unisa.

See the Faculty of Humanities for information regarding the credits, prerequisites and presentation of these modules.
Specialisation modules: IPL 310, 320
“Major subject”
To be considered a “major subject” the equivalent of four 14-week modules, including two at 300-level, must be passed provided that:

  • the following modules which are offered at 300-level only, are also considered “major subjects”: Labour law 311 (ABR 311), Labour relations 320 (ABV 320), and International business management 359 and 369 (OBS 359 and 369);
  • only two 14-week modules, or the equivalent thereof, that are not preceded by the 100- and  200-level modules, may be taken for degree purposes. In other words, at least four 14-week modules must be taken at 300-level that are preceded by the 100- and 200-level, except for modules offered on 200- and 300-level only.

Promotion to next study year

According to General Regulation G.3 students have to comply with certain requirements as set by the Faculty Board.

  1. A student must pass at least 4 core semester or 2 core year modules to be admitted to the subsequent year of study.
  2. If a student has passed less than the required minimum of 4 core semester or 2 core year modules, he/she will not be readmitted to the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Such a student may apply in writing to the Faculty’s Admissions Committee to be readmitted conditionally – with the proviso that the Admissions Committee may set further conditions with regards to the student’s academic progress. The Faculty’s Admissions Committee may deny a student’s application for readmission.
  3. If a student has been readmitted conditionally, his/her academic progress will be monitored after the first semester examinations to determine whether he/she has complied with the requirements set by the Admissions Committee. If not, his/her studies will be suspended.
  4. A student whose studies have been suspended because of his/her poor academic performance has the right to appeal against the decision of the Faculty’s Admissions Committee.
  5. A student may be refused promotion to a subsequent year of study if the prescribed tuition fees are not paid.
  6. A student may be refused admission to the examination, or promotion to a subsequent year of study or promotion in a module (if applicable) if he/ she fails to fulfil the attendance requirements. Class attendance in all modules and for the full duration of all programmes is compulsory for all students.

Pass with distinction

  1. A degree may be awarded with distinction provided the candidate meets the following criteria:
  1. Completes the degree within three years;
  2. Obtains a Cumulative Grade Point Average CGPA) of 75%;
  3. Repeated passed modules will not be considered. The initial pass mark of module will be used when calculating the GPA.
  1. Transferees from other faculties and from other universities  who still complete their bachelor degrees (including credits transferred and recognised from the degrees they registered for originally) within three years will be considered as exceptional cases by the Dean.
  2. The GPA will be not be rounded up to a whole number.
  3. Exceptional cases will be considered by the Dean.

General information

Minimum requirements for bachelor’s degrees; semester and year modules; new regulations

  1. Students who commenced their studies before 2015 must complete the programme in terms of the curriculum of the year in which they commenced their studies, or in terms of the curriculum of the year in which they switched to their current field of specialisation. Students who prefer to do so may, however, apply to change over to the latest curriculum, but then they should comply with all the requirements thereof and they may not revert to the regulations of an earlier year.
  2. Students who are registering for a degree programme for the first time in 2015 must take the modules indicated under the particular field of specialisation.

Please note: Only two 14-week modules, or the equivalent thereof, that are not preceded by the 100- and 200-level modules, may be taken for degree purposes. In other words, at least four 14-week modules must be taken at 300-level that are preceded by the 100- and 200-level, except for modules offered on 200- and 300-level only.
It is thus the responsibility of students to ensure before registration, that their curricula comply with all the requirements of the applicable regulations.