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University Of Pretoria Humanities

University Of Pretoria Humanities

University Of Pretoria Humanities, The Faculty of Humanities, one of the oldest and most respected Humanities faculties in South Africa. Established almost 100 years ago, the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Pretoria has a long tradition of and extensive experience in providing undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in a wide range of disciplines in the languages, arts, and the humanities and social sciences.


About the Faculty of Humanities

The Faculty of Humanities is one of the most comprehensive Humanities Faculties in the country with 17 different academic departments, four centres, three units, and a psychology clinic. The faculty is committed to sustaining critical intellectual enquiry and makes a significant contribution to the development of South Africa’s human resource capacity by delivering knowledgeable graduates on both undergraduate and postgraduate level with excellent qualifications in languages, basic and core social sciences and the arts.

Faculty of Humanities Student Administration, University of Pretoria

Welcome to Humanities Student Administration
Students in the Faculty of Humanities (both undergraduate and postgraduate) can come to Student Administration with their academic needs, starting on the day of their first registration, right through to the day that they graduate.

Services rendered to students, broadly entail
  • providing assistance during registration;
  • handling changes to and the cessation of modules;
  • handling any changes to a student’s administrative particulars, such as a change of address, matric symbols, etc.;
  • processing and announcing examination results, inter alia on the web and through the mail;
  • handling queries with regard to the yearbook and amendments to the Yearbook;
  • providing information on administrative matters;
  • providing assistance with graduation ceremonies.

Where to find us

North-western corner of the Information Technology Building (IT 2-9), right opposite the Humanities Building (entrance just across the parking lot from the Student Service Centre).
Important information for Prospective Undergraduate Students
Please note that BA Law applications for the year commencing in 2019 are closed due to capacity constraints. Should your APS however be 38 or more, please contact Ms Ntsiki Dhlamini ([email protected]).
Please note that the closing date for the following selection degrees has been extended to 30 September  2018 for South African citizens:

  • BMus (01132003)
  • BMus (01132004)
  • BDram (01130117)

Important Information for Currently Registered Students
Please be informed that the last date to discontinue 2nd Semester modules without paying will be 30th July 2018. Kindly note that modules can be dropped online.
Important Information for Prospective Postgraduate Students
Please be informed that the specialised master’s programme, MSW/MSocSci Employee Assistance Programmes, is suspended for 2018 and 2019 and that no new students will be enrolled during this time. Please direct any enquiries to the Department (Ms Phillicia Ledwaba, tel. 012 420 2325; or Ms Tania Steyn, tel. 012 420 2030).


Postgraduate Programmes

Being part of research-intensive university the Department of Humanities Education strives towards an exceptional local (inter-departmental), national (other Universities) and especially international teaching and research status. The Department is known for actively seeking new partnerships in their drive towards communal collaboration with other academics around the globe. More information on the research interests of each staff member can be found here (link to research foci page). The Department of Humanities Education is dedicated to the upkeep of new knowledge in the teacher education field and offers a wide range of postgraduate courses. These are listed below:

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE)

Course Coordinator – Dr PH du Toit ([email protected])
The main focus of the PGCHE is capacity building of academic staff – in terms of quality teaching and research-driven practice.

  • B Ed (Hons) Curriculum and Instructional Design and Development

This programme consists of 8 modules. Three of the modules are fundamental modules (NMQ 715, NMQ 725 and CDD 710); five are core modules (CDV 780, CFL 710, API 710, KIL 720 and EDI 720) and finally the module AID 730 can replace any of the core modules as approved by the package coordinator.

  • M Ed Curriculum and Instructional Design and Development (M Ed CIDD)

Course Coordinator – Prof S Vandeyar ([email protected])
The M Ed (CIDD) is a full thesis masters’ programme. A prerequisite for the programme is the passing of two compulsory M Ed modules namely OOG and NMQ. The OOG and NMQ modules are structured in a way to assist students in the compiling of their research proposals. Students are expected to successfully defend their research proposal by the end of their first year of study.
The M Ed (CIDD) is an umbrella programme that caters for any research study in the following fields of Humanities Education:

  1. Curriculum, Instruction Design and Development in any learning area
  2. English
  3. Afrikaans
  4. Human Social Sciences (History and Geography)
  5. Creative Arts Education (Music, Art and Human movement studies)
  6. Diversity and Social Justice Education (Race, identities, social and cultural justice education, multicultural education cosmopolitanism).
  7. Curriculum Implementation studies
  8. Teacher professionalism
  • M Ed (Humanities Education)

Course coordinator – Prof R Evans ([email protected])
The M Ed (Humanities Education) is a full thesis masters’ programme. A prerequisite for the programme is the passing of two compulsory M Ed modules namely OOG and NMQ. The OOG and NMQ modules are structured in a way to assist students in the compiling of their research proposals. Students are expected to successfully defend their research proposal s by the end of October of their first year of study.
The M Ed (Humanities Education) is an umbrella programme that caters for any research study in the following fields of Humanities Education:

  1. Curriculum, Instruction Design and Development in any learning area
  2. English
  3. Afrikaans
  4. Human Social Sciences (History and Geography)
  5. Creative Arts Education (Music, Art and Human movement studies)
  6. Diversity and Social Justice Education (Race, identities, social and cultural justice education, multicultural education cosmopolitanism).
  7. Curriculum Implementation studies
  8. Teacher professionalism
  • PhD Curriculum and Instructional Design and Development (PhD CIDD)

Course coordinator – Prof S Vandeyar ([email protected])
The PhD (CIDD) is an umbrella programme that caters for any research study in the following fields of Humanities Education:

  1. Curriculum, Instruction Design and Development in any learning area
  2. English
  3. Afrikaans
  4. Human Social Sciences (History and Geography)
  5. Creative Arts Education (Music, Art and Human movement studies)
  6. Diversity and Social Justice Education (Race, identities, social and cultural justice education, multicultural education cosmopolitanism).
  7. Curriculum Implementation studies
  8. Teacher professionalism
  • PhD (Humanities Education)

Course coordinator – Prof R Evans ([email protected])
The PhD (Humanities Education) is an umbrella programme that caters for any research study in the following fields of Humanities Education:

  1. Curriculum, Instruction Design and Development in any learning area
  2. English
  3. Afrikaans
  4. Human Social Sciences (History and Geography)
  5. Creative Arts Education (Music, Art and Human movement studies)
  6. Diversity and Social Justice Education (Race, identities, social and cultural justice education, multicultural education cosmopolitanism).
  7. Curriculum Implementation studies
  8. Teacher professionalism

Undergraduate Programmes

Teaching is our passion, therefore teachers are our business!

The Department of Humanities Education accommodates some of the Faculty’s most experienced teacher trainers. They are committed to teacher excellence and have dedicated their professional careers to develop quality programmes in initial teacher training. The Department is therefore responsible for various undergraduate fundamental, core and elective modules in the BEd programme. Please find summaries of some of these modules and other undergraduate responsibilities of the Department listed below.


  • Professional Studies

Course Coordinator – Mrs R Swart ([email protected])
Professional Studies is a core module in the BEd programme. The main purpose of this module is to enable the student to develop a professional persona and teaching skills, design teaching and learning support materials and plan learning activities that are suitable for the education environment within the South African context. The student will also reflect on the challenges faced by teachers in South Africa today, the curriculum (National Curriculum Statement), and the forces that influence the curriculum. In this module the student is offered the opportunity to plan a learning activity which enables him/her to reflect critically on his/her skills by means of self-, peer- and lecturer assessment.

  • Being a Teacher: Past and Present Perspectives

Course Coordinator – Mrs R Swart ([email protected])
OPV 112 is a core module in the BEd programme. In this module students are guided to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes with regard to the political, professional, historical and cultural complexities of teaching. The module focuses on being a teacher with particular emphasis on being a teacher within the South African context. We will examine selected themes in the history of South African education to demonstrate that education and schooling are not neutral entities, but rather the product of specific historical, political and cultural circumstances. With a view to eventually think critically about your role as an engaged professional educator today, we will concentrate on how teachers in South Africa down the ages have responded to the conditions that have shaped their professional lives. The last section of the module deals with being a professional and ethical teacher in South Africa today, as well as teacher identities and extended professionalism. This module aims to challenge students to think about the choices that they have with regard to the various roles that they might play as teachers.

  • Literacy Practices

This module introduces language and literacies as a foundation for learning. Students will study the concepts and theories related to the acquisition of one’s first language, as well as the learning of additional languages. Having a sound understanding of language development serves as an underpinning of the multiliteracies required by young learners as they start their formal schooling. Language policy issues and how these are managed in the reality of linguistically diverse classrooms are also addressed. The teaching of reading and writing skills receive particular attention. The module includes an overview of children’s literature education as a key resource for the development of communicative skills. Our aim is to equip students sufficiently with the necessary skills to support young learners in their language development so that they become confident learners and competent communicators in at least two official languages.

  • Classroom Literacies

The focus falls on the significant role of communication as an integral part of the classroom and the school environment. Both in and outside the classroom, a teacher requires sound communicative skills. Students will study theories and strategies underpinning spoken and written communication and will also learn how to use their voice effectively and how to take good care of it as an essential teaching tool. In an instructional context, the clear, expressive use of your voice is the primary mode of communication. Furthermore, South African classrooms have become increasingly diverse and this has complicated communication in the classroom. This module also provides a historical overview of the linguistic heritage that enriches our culturally diverse South African classrooms and attempts to sensitise teachers towards creating a democratic space for learning while appreciating and respecting the various cultural practices which may be evident in a classroom. Furthermore, students’ personal language profile will be enriched as they acquire a functional knowledge of classroom vocabulary and instructional phrases in one of four South African languages (Afrikaans, Northern Sotho, Tswana, and Zulu).


In the modern environment it is essential for teachers to be confident as well as competent in their particular area of expertise. Teachers should be able to design courses and develop material that will appeal to learners who straddle the spectrum of those who have access to alternate media from which to gain knowledge, to those whose only source of knowledge is the classroom.The methodology modules bring together the main threads associated with presenting lessons in the various disciplines and school phases. It places the theory that students will gain in the Education modules in the context of the classroom. The overarching philosophical underpinning of teacher education is implicit in these modules and students are expected to take the lessons that they will learn in these modules to their encounters in the methodology lectures and even further, into the classroom in the future. The methodologies enable students to select the most effective teaching, learning and assessment knowledge and skills applicable to their phase of specialization and to recommend methods for implementation within the context of the National Curriculum Statement.

  • Methodology of Teaching Languages

This methodology course pertains to the principles and practice of teaching and learning languages with special reference to English as an additional language. A theoretical underpinning strengthens students’ understanding of language development. The importance of cognitive academic language proficiency when teaching learners from diverse linguistic and cultural communities where English as First Additional language (EFAL) is not only taught but also used as the language of instruction, is highlighted. Students are also guided in instructional design as they practise planning, designing and presenting optimal learning opportunities across phases.

  • Methodology of English

The English methodology modules have as aim to equip teacher trainees with the necessary skills for the facilitation of English teaching practice. The modules include theoretical and practical aspects of language teaching, and students are expected to discover ways in which to teach a language most effectively and become the best language teacher they possibly can. The modules aim to develop teaching skills and knowledge of language acquisition. They are, thus, practical in nature, with opportunities to participate in class activities and assignments. The modules aim to create an understanding of the dynamic nature of language and, therefore, also the transfer of language and the communicative nature of language skills. Students are expected to participate in the learning activities in a responsible way, to show respect to fellow students and lecturers, and to engage in lively debates on language teaching.
By the end of this module students should be able to:

  1. display knowledge and understanding of the significance of the rationale, objectives, relevance and value of being a language teacher
  2. show understanding of the fundamental principles of the National Curriculum and articulate the general aims with regard to language acquisition, instruction and facilitation within OBE as a philosophy
  3. display insight into the specific aims/skills of languages in all the phases
  4. articulate the outcomes with regard to the specific phases and implement assessment standards in a learning task context
  5. select, develop and utilize authentic resources and media for facilitating language acquisition, with a special focus on e-learning
  6. design assessment strategies to enhance facilitation of language acquisition
  • Methodology of Afrikaans – Afrikaanse Metodiek

Hierdie module is noodsaaklik vir alle voornemende Afrikaans taalonderwysers!
Studente word toegerus met die teoretiese beginsels van taalontwikkeling en taalonderrig. Die toepassing van hierdie verworwe leerinhoud word op ’n praktiese wyse tydens kontaksessies gedemonstreer, ingeoefen en geassesseer.

In hierdie module word daar vorentoe beweeg! Daar word ruimte geskep vir differensiasie, remediëring en weer probeer – al is dit die hoeveelste keer!
  • Music Education

The music course intends to expand the student’s knowledge and skills of music, regardless of prior music background. Even more importantly, we believe that the course will inspire students to touch the lives of children through music.
Music Education in schools includes two components: the content of the curriculum presented in the classroom as well as all music activities taking place outside the classroom. The modules in the music course include both of these components.
The invaluable role of music in the lives of children has been investigated by numerous researchers for decades. There is no doubt that active participation in music plays a vital role in the development of the child and has an enriching effect in the way children experience their own existence. Every child should experience the joy and benefits presented by music education in schools.