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University Of Pretoria Graduate Centre

University Of Pretoria Graduate Centre

University Of Pretoria Graduate Centre, The Unit’s approach to programme planning and renewal (academic strategy) takes the following points of departure:

  • The review, renewal and development of programmes must be based on sound academic principles;
  • The navigational markers of quality, relevance, diversity and financial sustainability are key tools and drivers in the on-going processes of curriculum and programme change;
  • Inquiry-led curricula and approaches to teaching must be derived from and reinforce the research intensive identity of the University, thus also the importance of what is taught;
  • Approaches to teaching, learning and assessment that are aligned with ‘best practices’ at research intensive universities;
  • Graduate attributes – at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels – aligned with the human capital needs of the economy and society, need to encapsulate both universal and particular South African demands, and develop in students a critical citizenship.

The University endorses the HEQC’s Framework and Criteria for Programme Accreditation (2004). These criteria are applied institutionally when compiling and considering proposals for the introduction of new undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. However, it needs to be noted that the HEQC criteria for programme accreditation indicate minimum standardsfor academic programmes, and therefore need to be used as guidelines, supplemented by the University’s academic mission and plan.


Contact Us

University of Pretoria  –  Graduate Centre  –  Hatfield Campus
Office Number :
Office Hours :  07H00 – 15H30 (Monday – Friday)
Telephone Number :  +2712 420 5914
Contact Person :  Dr Sanette Boshoff
Email Address :  [email protected]