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University Of Pretoria Dentistry

University Of Pretoria Dentistry

University Of Pretoria Dentistry, The School of Dentistry at the University of Pretoria strives to promote the general health of the South African population by training competent and caring oral health professionals and to provide continuing education programmes in the pursuit of life-long learning; generate new knowledge through research; render comprehensive oral health care on an individual basis; provide a primary oral health care outreach programme; and render a consultancy service to the health professions.


Undergraduate Studies

With the exclusive aim of rendering high-quality oral health care to the patient, the dentist cooperates as a team member with all the other role players of the oral health team. The total health of the individual, and therefore also that of the community as a whole, forms the basis of the training of each dentist.
The dentist should have special characteristics. He or she should not only be academically gifted, but dexterity is also an indispensable prerequisite. The dentist should have the ability to manage people correctly and convincingly. Running a dental practice requires particular dedication and managerial ability.

Tell me more about the course.

In order to keep pace with the modern requirements of tertiary education, the School follows a curriculum that is problem-based, student-oriented and community-centred, with vertical and horizontal integration of subjects. The first two years of the course are followed together with medical students. However, already during the second semester of the second year students get first-hand exposure to clinical dentistry. An important result of this adaptation is that the course has a duration of five years and that dentists therefore can be made available to the practice and the community earlier than in the past.
The list of subjects is included in the Faculty’s Yearbook.

What can I do with my degree?

The University of Pretoria, with its proud, proven high standard of training for dentists and specialists, produces graduates who render outstanding professional services to the community. There are employment opportunities for dentists in private practice, the SA National Defence Force and elsewhere in the public sector, health care organisations and academic institutions.

What are my admission requirements?

Applications close on 31 May each year.

Where can I get more information?

Ms Celisa Anthony
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +27 12 356 3057

Academic Programmes

The School of Dentistry commits itself, within the broader vision of the University of Pretoria, to critical, independent and innovative thinking and learning conducive to the attainment of high academic standards. The School strives for teaching and learning excellence which are purposefully driven through an innovative approach by means of flexi-learning in order to establish the School of Dentistry as a leader in its field, both locally and internationally. The School, furthermore, strives for excellence in teaching and education through:


  • research activities of lecturers, which are creatively integrated with the learning activities of students
  • national and international publications on educational research findings, which are published on a regular basis, and
  • promotion of the accessibility of the School to all students in order to ensure that the composition of the student body reflects the pool of qualified school and college leavers within the foreseeable future.

Postgraduate Diploma in Dentistry (PGDipDent)

(a) Admission requirements 
Subject to the stipulations of the General Regulations, the BChD degree or an equivalent qualification is required.
For the main field of study Oral Surgery, a candidate must be in possession of the BChD degree or an equivalent qualification with at least 65% in the final examination in Orofacial surgery or a subject deemed equivalent by the head of department.
(b) Duration
At least two semesters with 120 contact hours. The contact time in the major field of study is determined by the head of the department concerned and approved by the Dean. It includes systematic tuition as well as clinical/practical assignments.
(c) Curriculum – Main field of study – one of the following:
MPG 700  Oral Pathology 700
END 700  Endodontics 700
ORD 700  Orthodontics 700
FOT 700   Forensic Odontology 700
PDD 700  Pedodontics 700
MCH 700 Oral Surgery 700
PDL 700   Periodontology 700
HTH 700   Restorative Dentistry 700
PTK 700   Prosthetics 700
MGK 700  Oral Medicine 700
MMB 700  Oral Microbiology 700
VTH 700   Preventive Dentistry 700
GTH 700   Community Dentistry 700
PRS 700   Practice Management 700
THM 700   Dental Materials 700
ADX 700   Aesthetic Dentistry 700
PDI 700    Implantology 700
PRD 701   Prosthodontics 701
RAD 700   Radiography 700
or another module as determined by the head of the department concerned and approved by the Dean.
ii Basic subject
MDB 710     Applied oral biology 710
CBA 710     Anatomy and principles of surgery 710
ANA 770     Anatomy 770
FSG 706     Physiology 706
FAR 709     Pharmacology 709
THM 710     Dental materials 710
RAD 710     Introductory radiography 710
RLE 710     Ethics and jurisprudence 710
Oral Surgery: a prerequisite (a minimum of one basic subject is required – these basic subjects may be passed at the University of Pretoria or at the College of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa) or any other module as determined by the department in question and approved by the Dean.
(d) Examinations
The examination in the basic subject and the main field of study may take place every semester. However, only one subject may be written per semester. In order to be admitted to the examination in the main field of study the student must pass the basic subject. A final mark of at least 50% is required to pass.
Subject to  exceptions approved by the Dean, on the recommendation of the head of department, a student may not enter for the postgraduate diploma’s examination in the same subject more than twice.
(e) Pass with distinction
The diploma is awarded with distinction to students who obtain at least 75% in both the main field of study and the basic subject.


Research in the School of Dentistry

Research conducted in the School spans eight different Dental Departments. It is aimed at stimulating, informing and educating the dental profession and the community by means of appropriate, pioneering, evidence-based and relevant research. The researchers are involved in multi-disciplinary projects aiming at improving clinical practice and the development of effective and efficient oral health care delivery system in South Africa.
The School’s research outputs focus on the following:

  • Research in the field of Oral Epidemiology, Health systems and Health Services , Quality of life and Tobacco control.
  • Maxilla-facial and Oral surgery;
  • Practice management strategies and development, implementation and evaluation of a teaching curriculum in dentistry;
  • Clinical and laboratory research on dental materials;
  • Oral Carcinoma, HIV AIDS, Forensic Dentistry and Comparative Oral Pathology;
  • Orthodontic research;
  • Tissue engineering research in the field of Periodontics;
  • Research in the field of Prosthodontics.

Research Coordinator – Prof Leanne Sykes

tel 012 319 2683 or send email


Prof JG White (Act Chief Executive Officer / Chairman of the School of Dentistry) 
Tel: 012 3192225/2327
E-mail: [email protected]
Treatment at the Oral and Dental Hospital 
Helpdesk for necessary Information
Tel:  012 319 2619