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University Of Kwazulu Natal International Students Fees

University Of Kwazulu Natal International Students Fees, the University of KwaZulu-Natal is one of the leading educational institutions in South Africa, and is widely recognised as an academic centre of excellence in Africa. Its mission is to be the “premier University of African scholarship.”
The University strives to enhance the quality of its work and the experience of its students and staff through international partnerships which it maintains with a number of universities across the world.
It is a popular destination for international students wishing to be at the heart of cutting edge change where high-tech solutions, based on in-depth research, are being developed in response to some of the world’s most pressing problems and challenges such as the HIV/AIDS virus, water, food security etc
The International Relations office is situated in the Rick Turner Students’ Union Building on the Howard College campus, Durban.The International Student Offices on all five campuses have experienced staff who provide ongoing assistance to international students at UKZN.
The university aims to continue to seek global partnerships that provide opportunities for both local and international students and staff
click here to access the University Of Kwazulu Natal International Students Fees
