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University Of Kwazulu Natal Drama Department

University Of Kwazulu Natal Drama Department, The Drama and Performance Studies programme is a recognized centre of excellence in performing arts, with a strong focus on the southern African context.  The programme is structured around three main Performance Studies streams and the dynamic synergies between them.  These streams are: Theatre Studies, Dance Studies, and Applied Theatre Studies. The pedagogy of the programme is rooted in the constant interplay between theory and practice, and in interrogating the local and global contexts within the ever-expanding Drama and Performance Studies field.
The programme aims to promote:


  • The creation, performance and appreciation of drama, dance, theatre, applied theatre, and theatre-related media in the South African and, in particular, the KwaZulu-Natal context;
  • Personal growth with special emphasis on cognitive, social and communication skills by developing internal and external personal resources and modes of critical thinking;
  • A deeper understanding and acceptance of difference and similarity through providing a platform for many cultural perspectives and forms: past and present, local and global;
  • An understanding of the educational potential of theatre, dance and applied theatre as bridge to the local communities.

click here for more information on University Of Kwazulu Natal Drama Department