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University Of Fort Hare Faculty Of Science And Agriculture

University Of Fort Hare Faculty Of Science And Agriculture, I invite you to take a few minutes of your time to look at our webpage and the programmes we offer in the Faculty of Science and Agriculture at the University of Fort Hare.  Brief descriptions of the programmes are given, as well as the entrance requirements and other important guidelines for student enrolment in the Faculty.


I am sure that many of you would like to have more details regarding specific programmes or disciplines at undergraduate and graduate level.  I personally invite you to visit our webpage.  We in the Faculty are looking forward to working with you to help you obtain your career goals. We also have a number of centres and units which form an integral part of the Faculty, and act as a link between the University and the communities it serves.

Our students come from every province in South Africa as well as from many foreign countries.  This gives us the desirable blend of cultures and ethnic groups that enhances the academic experience at the University of Fort Hare.  At Fort Hare, you will receive outstanding education at a nationally recognised institution, located in an extremely friendly environment.


1. Science And Technology Foundation Programme (STFP)

The Science and Technology Foundation Programme (STFP) is intended to provide a strong science foundation to students who do not meet University and/or Faculty of Science and Agriculture entry requirements.  The STFP programme follows an extended curriculum model where the first academic year of a BSc degree is spread over two years and “extra time” is used for support.  Also, the renaming of the BSc courses offered in the STFP (note: all STFP courses are derived from regular University courses that fulfill SAQA regulations) are for tracking purposes.  The minimum entrance requirements for the STFP is a pass in Mathematics and Physical Science at level 3 and a pass in either Life Science or Geography or Agriculture or Info Technology at level 3.  The minimum period for the STFP is 4 years (384 credits).

2. Bachelor Of Science (Bsc) degree

To follow a BSc Degree it is compulsory to have passed Matric Mathematics and Physical Science at least level 4. A degree is not simply any combination of subjects, but should be carefully constructed around specific major subjects.  Some subject combinations are not allowed, but even some permissible combinations are not as meaningful as others.  It is very important that each student should plan his/her curriculum carefully to ensure that subject combinations are meaningful and that all the necessary pre-requisites and co-requisites are met.  All students, and particularly new students, are therefore advised to discuss their subject choices with Faculty staff members.

3. Bachelor of Agriculture (B Agric)  degree

4. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSc Agric) degree


A learner shall be admitted to the Honours programme in a subject only with the permission of the relevant Head of Department. Normally a learner will be admitted to an Honours programme in a subject in which an average mark of 60% in all the modules required of the particular subject was obtained in the final undergraduate year.

The degree may be obtained in any of the following options, in consultation with the Head of Department concerned and subject to the approval of the Faculty Board:

Qualification (Honours)Qualification (Honours)Qualification (Honours)
Applied MathematicsComputer ScienceMicrobiology
Applied Remote Sensing and GISEntomologyPhysics
Applied StatisticsGeographyZoology
BiochemistryGeologyMathematical Statistics

Masters:Normally a learner shall not be admitted to the Masters qualification unless he/she has obtained an aggregate of at least 60% for the Honours degree at the first attempt.

The degree of Master of Science (Msc) may be obtained in any of the following  subjects


Qualification (Master of Science)Qualification (Master of Science)Qualification (Master of Science)
Applied Mathematics (Coursework / Research)Computer Science (Research)Microbiology (Research)
Applied Remote Sensing and GIS (Research)Entomology (Research)Physics (Coursework / Research)
Applied Statistics (Coursework / Research)Geography (Research)Zoology (Research)
Biochemistry (Research)Geology (Research)Mathematical Statistics (Coursework / Research)
Botany (Research)Chemistry (Research)Mathematics (Coursework / Research)
Ethnobotany  (Research)Environmental Studies  (MPhil)  (Coursework)Nursing Science 

The degree of Master of Agriculture (M Agric) may be obtained in any of the following  subjects:

       M Agric in Agricultural Economics          AGE 700
       M Agric in Agricultural Extension             AGX 700

The degree of Master of Science in Agriculture (Msc Agric) may be obtained in any of the following  subjects:

(Master of Science in Agriculture)(Master of Science in Agriculture)(Master of Science in Agriculture)
Agricultural EconomicsCrop ScienceAnimal Science
Soil Science Horticultural SciencePasture Science
Agricultural Extension


The degree of Doctor of Philosophy may be obtained in any of the following fields:

Qualification (PhD)Qualification (PhD)Qualification (PhD)
Applied MathematicsComputer ScienceMicrobiology
Applied Remote Sensing and GISEntomologyPhysics
Applied StatisticsGeographyZoology
BiochemistryGeologyMathematical Statistics
Agricultural EconomicsAgricultural ExtensionCrop Science
Animal ScienceSoil ScienceHorticultural Science
Pasture ScienceBiostatisticsEpidemiology    
EthnobotanyNursing Science 



Prof F AghdasiExecutive Dean040-6022232
Prof G BradleyDeputy Dean
(Research & Internationalization
Dr. N. MondeDeputy Dean
(Teaching & Learning and Community Engagement)
Ms MS SmithFaculty Manager040-6022286
Ms CM CuthbertAssistant Faculty Manager040-6022285
Mrs LG SmitAssistant Faculty Manager040-6022693
Ms PN MandilaSenior Administrator040-6022508
Mrs F MawezaSecretary040-6022232

Department Administrators

Ms N MokoLivestock & Pasture Science040-6022123
Ms N TokweAgronomy040-6022069
Ms P AdonisBotany, Zoology, Biochemistry, Microbiology040-6022732
Ms C ManyontaComputer Science040-6022746
Ms N MtiseMathematics, Physics, Statistics040-6022343
Ms L LubisiChemistry040-6022484
Ms N YawaAgricultural Economics & Extension040-6022333