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University Of Cape Town White Pages

University Of Cape Town White Pages

University Of Cape Town White Pages, The White Pages is UCT’s official contact directory. It includes contact details and physical addresses for faculties, departments, staff members, postdoctoral fellows and on-campus traders. Staff members and postdoctoral fellows are responsible for keeping their details updated, although each department’s Directory Manager can also do this if need be.


How to use the White Pages

Anyone, even non-UCT individuals, can use the White Pages to find the contact details of staff and postdoctoral fellows at UCT. However, personal information like mobile phone number, photograph and email address is not visible to non-UCT users. This is done to protect people’s privacy.

Search for an individual, faculty or department
  1. Navigate to
  2. Search for someone either by Name or SurnameFaculty or Department.
  3. Once you’ve found the person, click on their name.
    • If you’re logged on to the UCT Single Sign-On service, you’ll see their full contact details (including their mobile number, if they’ve made it available).
    • If you’re not logged on to the UCT Single Sign-On service, you’ll see only their UCT phone number. You won’t see their email address, but you can click the Email link to send them an email.
Search for an on-campus trader
  1. Click On-campus Traders.
  2. The list of traders is displayed, along with phone numbers for each.

How to update your details

For the White Pages to remain effective, it’s essential that each staff member and postdoctoral fellow’s details remain accurate so that people looking for UCT staff members, postdoctoral fellows and departments can get in touch. That’s why you need to update the information whenever your details change.

Update personal information

The White Pages contain only contact information. If you need to change any personal information – such as your surname, marital status or department – fill out an HR101 form and submit it to your departmental HR advisor.

Update contact information

Use the White Pages to update your own contact information. You’ll need to sign in to the UCT Single Sign-On (SSO) service in order to make changes. If you’re already signed in to another SSO service (e.g. and ServiceNow), you won’t need to authenticate again.


  1. Go to
  2. In the top right corner of the screen, click Login.
  3. Log in using your network username and password.
  4. Near the top right hand section of the screen, hover over your name then click the relevant link to update contact information as required.
    Select this option… To…
    Show my mobile number / Hide my mobile number Toggle the visibility of your mobile number.
    Show my profile photo / Hide my profile photo Toggle the visibility of your profile photo.
    Update profile *Note: Before clicking this link, ensure that your web browser allows pop-ups.
    In the pop-up window, click Load then update your work, mobile or fax number.
    Use the 10 digit format (e.g. 0216501234).
    Update location *Note: Before clicking this link, ensure that your web browser allows pop-ups.
    Update your office location information.
    If you haven’t been assigned an office yet, in the Building Name list, select None.
    If your building is not on the list, select Not in list then enter the building name in the Comment box.
  5. Click Logout.
Update your department / colleague’s details

Directory managers, nominated by departmental line managers, are responsible for keeping the department’s contact details updated. If you’ve been appointed as a directory manager, you can add and update contact information for staff members and postdoctoral fellows in your unit or department. You can also edit the department’s details.

  1. Go to
  2. In the top right corner of the screen, click Login.
  3. Log in using your network username and password.
  4. Hover over your name (near the top right corner), then click List of Directory managers.
  5. Click the relevant link to update contact information as required.
    If you want to… Then…
    Add people to your unit Click Updating additional org-unit associations then click Add new to enter the person’s details.
    Edit your department’s organisational or contact information; or add a new department Select Updating non-person information then edit your department’s details as needed.
    Alternatively, click Add new to add a new department, along with its details.
    Update your colleagues’ work, mobile or fax numbers Click Updating personal information then select a colleague and update the relevant numbers.
    Use the 10 digit, no-break format (e.g. 0216501234).
    Update your colleagues’ office location information Click Updating location information then select a colleague and update their office location.

    • If they haven’t been assigned an office yet, in the Building Name list, select None.
    • If their building is not on the list, select Not in list then enter the building name in the Comment box.
  6. Click Logout.

Get help

  • Contact our Service Desk by logging a call online in ServiceNow
  • Email us at [email protected]
  • Call 021 650 4500
  • Log a call via ICTS social media (Facebook | Twitter)
  • Visit the ICTS Front Office on Cissie Gool Plaza